Categories: Parenting

Bicycle Trailers for Baby – Discover the Chariot Cougar

We are a bicycling family. With the addition of our first baby we needed to find out about bicycle trailers. As we searched we became convinced that the Chariot Cougar was exactly what we were looking for.

The Chariot was easier to store than most other models. The Chariot has many conversions to the trailer other than just using it as a bicycle trailer. The Chariot Cougar has a hiking kit, a cross-country skiing kit a jogging kit and a stroller kit.

The stroller kit is great. When biking with baby, once you reach your destination all you need to do is unhook the trailer from the bike , easily pop in the front wheels and you now have a regular stroller to walk about with. This is a wonderful feature. Now no carrying the baby all around.

This carrier also converts to a jogging stroller, which is nice. Now no need for an extra jogging stroller. With the adjustable suspension, the baby can be comfortable no matter what terrain you are jogging on.

Also, we like to do cross-country skiing here in Michigan. With the Chariot bicycle trailer, we can attach the skis and take the baby with us skiing. This gives us year round use with this trailer that other bicycle trailers do not offer. Plus we do not have to get a babysitter if we want to go out for the afternoon cross-country skiing.

Bicycle trailers are not cheap to buy. If you can find a multi-use bicycle trailer that you can use year round, then you will definitely get your value out of the expense. With the Chariot Cougar, we know we will be using it year round and for years to come. Plus the resale on these are great.

If properly taken care of and not damaged, you can expect a lot of millage out of your Chariot bicycle trailer. Make sure you read and follow all the safety instructions and maintenance guidelines provided.

Now with the Chariot Cougar bicycle trailer, our baby is going to grow up loving the out of doors and all the outdoor activities that we love to do. Bicycle trailers have come a long way in providing safety and comfort for our children. Even if you do not buy a Chariot carrier, a bicycle trailer will bring forth a whole new adventure in family fun.

Karla News

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