Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Best Training Tools for Puppies

Training a new puppy can be a lot of work, but you can make the job easier with the use of training tools for puppies. Whether you are looking to train your puppy not to bark, to be house trained, to walk on a leash, or not to chew, there are training tools for puppies that will make the job much easier.

Train your puppy not to bark

Aside from the sound of a constantly crying baby, listening to a dog bark non-stop is one of the annoying things you can listen to. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to train your puppy not to bark. Shock collars are, thankfully, a thing of the past. Don’t subject your dog to painful shock treatments. Instead, you can purchase a humane alternative that will help your puppy stop incessant barking.

Spray collars (a.k.a. citronella collars)are great training tools for puppies. The spray collar senses your pet’s excessive barking and releases a burst of lemon scented spray. The spray is meant to startle the dog, not harm him. When used regularly, your dog will learn that if he barks, he will be sprayed with the water.

Ultrasonic bark collars are also an effective training tools for puppies, as they release sound frequency when your pet barks excessively. The high pitched sound distracts your pet, and stops the barking. It is not heard by humans, and does not harm your puppy.

(Note: All dogs bark. The bark collars listed here are for dogs that bark excessively

House train your puppy

The best training tools for puppies that will help you house train your pet do NOT cost a lot of money. Paper training your puppy will require little more than a large stack of newspapers and a bottle of Urine B Gone. One helpful website, Pet, offers detailed instruction on paper training your pet. Please be sure to visit their website for more advice. At the end of each day, spray the area down thoroughly with Urine B Gone to eliminate the scent from the area.

If the idea of paper training your puppy does not appeal to you, then you will need virtually no training tools to successfully house train your puppy. For advice on how to house train your puppy quickly, please CLICK HERE. This helpful article will six easy to follow tips which will help you to house train your puppy in a short amount of time.

Train your puppy to walk on a leash

While some experts may recommend the use of a choker chain to train your puppy to walk on a leash, many people find this product inhumane. A choker chain does exactly as the name indicates – It chokes the dog and forces him to submit to your commands, or else the animal will be choked.

A much gentler type of training tools for puppies, which will help your pet learn how to walk on a leash properly, is a retractable leash. A retractable leash is an adjustable leash that attaches to the dog’s collar. The leash pulls easily in and out of a handheld housing, and allows you to gently control the distance your dog can use on the leash. Available in different lengths, and various weight capacities, you control exactly how much leash your dog is free to walk on. When your puppy disobeys, pull in the amount of leash so that they are limited in their movement. A retractable leash does not cause any pain to the animal and is a humane method of training your puppy to walk on a leash.

Train your puppy not to chew

To train your puppy not to chew, you will need a great deal of patience and an arsenal of chew toys for puppies. Whenever you catch your puppy chewing on an inappropriate item, take it away from the and give them an approved chew toy. In time, your puppy will understand that if he feels the need to chew, these specific toys won’t get him into trouble. For a list of some of the best chew toys for puppies, please CLICK HERE.

Although your puppy may enjoy the way chewing on an old sock or shoe feels, don’t allow your puppy to do this. Your pet doesn’t know the difference between an old stinky shoe, and your brand new pair of Reeboks. Training tools (such as the best chew toys for puppies listed HERE) are designed to make it easy to train your puppy not to chew.


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