Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Basic Office Supplies for a Home Business

If you have a home based business you are in charge of your own computer, your own printer, and your own supplies. Gone are the days in the corporate world when you can go over to the cabinet in the corner and have your pick of which supplies you need. And even though this should be an easy task, people who have a home based business are constantly in need of office supplies. Below is a list of supplies that you should always keep on hand, and why you need them.

1. Post it notes can be used in so many different ways, yet many people decline to buy them. Post it notes are good for jotting down quick phrases, or for taking phone messages. You can also stick them wherever you want so that they are in plain view whenever you need them.

2. How many times have you gone to get a paper clip just to find out that the only ones you have left are bent out of shape? Paper clips are necessary anytime you want to group papers together, but don’t want to damage them with staples. They can be had in a variety of different sizes and colors.

3. A good stapler is a necessity for any home based business. Anybody who is constantly sending out reports, or dealing with a lot of paper needs to have a good stapler on hand.

4. Rubber bands are often overlooked as an office supply that you need to have. You will more than likely only use them sparingly, but it is nice to have a supply on hand if you need them.

5. It goes without saying that you need to have plenty of notebooks on hand. Just because everybody uses computers nowadays does not mean that there is no place in the business world for handwriting your own notes.

6. Having a few different selections in the pens and pencil department can be useful. Make sure to buy a couple of different ink colors so that you can color code when necessary.

7. Highlighters have their place in every business. This is the best way to show somebody exactly what you mean without cluttering up a page with excess pen marks.

8. Folders can go a long way in keeping your business organized. Buy a wide variety that will suit all your needs. You can get folders with or without pockets, as well as ones that will hang in a filing cabinet.

9. A whole puncher is an office product that not too many people have, but everybody needs. It is a great tool if you need to put a report into a three ring binder.

10. Keeping extra ink cartridges in stock is very important. Almost every home based business prints in mass, meaning that their ink cartridge is always running out.

11. And along with the ink cartridges, you need to have plenty of paper on hand. Instead of buying one ream at a time, you should buy a case of printer paper that will last you a bit longer. This will save you time and money in the long run.

All of these office supplies are essential in order to run a successful home based business. Often times, people get caught up in the day to day operations and forget about keeping a good stock of office supplies. Don’t let this happen to you.

Karla News

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