Categories: Parenting

Baby Shower Gift Basket Ideas

When we think of baby shower gifts we think of cute pink dresses for girls and adorable blue outfits for boys. But the reality is, newborns really don’t spend much time it those types of clothes. And, chances are they’ll outgrow them before they get the chance to wear them twice. If you really want to give the perfect baby show gift, think gift basket.

You can make your own gift basket and fill it with the things a baby really needs. First, start with a plastic or wicker laundry basket. The basket itself will get a lot use as any parent of new baby knows that babies can go through several changes of clothes a day.

What To Add To Your Gift Basket

  • Diapers – A new parent can never have too many baby diapers. The things is though, babies grow so fast and in no time at all they’re out of the newborn diapers, so get one pack of the newborn size and another pack or two of the next size up.
  • Baby Wipes – These go hand-in-hand with the diapers and parents go through them like crazy. As tempting as it may be to go with a wipe that smells all pretty and nice, go with an unscented wipe – they’re better for the baby’s skin.
  • Onesies – The greatest thing since sliced bread! Onesies are much better than the traditional t-shirts for babies because they snap closed over the crotch area, which keeps them from riding up around the baby’s waist. Splurge here and get several packs in varying sizes.
  • One Piece Sleepers – Babies spend most of their time in their jammies and one-piece sleepers are ideal for everyday use. Sleepers come in different types of materials so choose a light-weight material for summertime use and a heavier-weight material for the cooler months.
  • Receiving Blankets – In the beginning, most babies like to be swaddled and the best blankets to use for swaddling are receiving blankets. They’re also ideal for helping to keep the baby warm when going outdoors in the cooler months.
  • Burp Cloths – These come in a variety of styles and colors and will be used constantly for many, many months.
  • Baby Bibs – Bibs are great for protecting clothes and keeping the front of the baby dry when they eat or later on when they start drooling. The bibs that snap closed in the back are much easier to use than the type you have to tie.
  • Bath Towels & Wash Cloths – Without a doubt, these are a must-have for any new nursery and will get much more use than a fancy dress or an awesome outfit.
  • Changing Pads – These can be used in the crib or on the changing table. Plus, they’re ideal for use in public restrooms that have baby changing stations.
  • Lullaby Music – Babies do not need complete silence to sleep and lullaby CD’s are very relaxing and soothing.
  • Rattles – While they’re not really necessary, they’re cute to use for decorating your basket.
  • Gourmet Food or Wine – Obviously not for the baby, the food or wine is for the parents to celebrate the arrival of their bundle of joy.

What, no baby lotion, shampoo, bath products, or baby powder? Okay, so all of those things smell great but honestly, a baby doesn’t really need them. All they need to get clean is some warm water and unless their skin is dry, they don’t need the lotion. But, if you feel your basket won’t be complete without some bath products, go ahead and include them.

Baby toys are optional since it will be some time before the baby can actually play with them. If you add toys, leave out the stuffed animals and go with something that is safe for the baby to chew on because we all know that everything goes in a baby’s mouth.

Making your own gift basket is not only a lot of fun, but it makes a unique gift with your own personal touch that shows how much you care.



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