Ayurveda- Medicine Without Side Effects

Human beings crave for good health, why the best health. No body wants to fall a prey to illness. Knowingly or unknowingly human beings adopt ways of living which they call life style. But this concept remains a style without life. In fact there is no life in it. Many live on the assumption that eating and merry making constitute the essence of life. Many load their belly with food akin to filth and give free display to senses and sensuality.

Modern medicine, they think, provides cure for all illness and they console themselves saying that they can take shelter under the protective and secure wings of allopathy.Whether it is head, heart, hip or other body parts they feel confident medicine can cure their ailments. But medicine and doctors really do not cure. Wise medical practitioners who have great concern for the patient do not claim to cure illness. They give only relief. This is true also. In the name of cure quacks and charlatans recommend costly measures of treatment which often result in costly death. They are, with exceptions, fixing their eyes on the valet of the patient more than the values which their profession under the banner of Hippocrates professed. The wise among medical professionals believe and affirm that the cure is in the hands of a super power called God. They profess to be god-fearing men at least before the public.

Contrary to these champions of modern medicine we have millennium old method of treatment called Ayurveda. The profession of ayurvedic doctors is as over 4500 years old. The architects of the ayurveda mode of treatment emphasized on the curative aspects of illness and went to the root of the problem. They discovered the link and interconnection between the mind, body and intellect. They also propagated the curative aspect of treatment attributed to the divine power and instilled spirituality in the treatment process. Leading ayurvedic hospitals installed a small temple of the God of medicine whom they called Danwantari. Before launching any treatment especially in severe cases, they worshipped Danwantari and then only proceeded. The patient also worshipped the deity. The sincerity of such professionals is seen in the correctness of the diagnosis, treatment, choice of medicines and in invoking the blessings of God.
They recommended a lifestyle with restrictions on food and daily routine. The objective was to improve the person’s physical, emotional and spiritual components of lifestyle. Ayueveda imparted a healthy and steady lifestyle as part of the treatment process in a manner more convincing and beneficial than in any other branch of medicine and treatment.
. The central concept behind Ayurveda is to improve and ensure the individual’s physical, emotional and spiritual equilibrium to attain self healing and increased longevity. Individuals suffering from emotional, mental or physical suffering, found the change over to a new lifestyle, beneficial by living an improved quality of life.

Ayurveda is the art of healing through the application of many natural methods including, Yoga, nutrition, herbs and massage. It integrates a holistic lifestyle choice, and provides for a natural life balance within the body through a combined approach. .

As a lifestyle preference Ayurveda necessitates various key points to consider. It requires a change in the dietary and physical activities apart from a complete change of one’s daily schedule. It encourages the practice of waking up early, before sun-rise, to stimulate a positive phenomenon within the body attained through the peace and tranquility of nature. As a morning ritual, it recommends washing the face, mouth and, eyelids, followed by proper cleaning of the body through voluntary bowel movement. For many beginners, these practices may be a difficult transition to start with and achieve. However, through proper guidance, the body can be regulated to adapt to these new processes in a week.
The richness of the ayurvedic treatment is that it has no adverse side effects. The general health of the patient improves steadily. It eliminates pain .This cannot be effectively achieved by allopathic treatment. Pain in the joints, back ache, pain in the heels and elbows vanish with a course of treatment. The massage is done for an hour followed by steam bath in some cases. It is a wonderful experience . One feels a sense of wellbeing after the bath. During the treatment process the physician or his deputy lights a wick lamp and generally prays to God for the speedy and healthy recovery of the patient. This is a unique feature of ayurveda.
The tradition of ayurveda is very ancient and the cardinal principle observed by the physicians was that treatment and cure of the patient was the most important objective and remuneration for services was secondary and voluntary. Greed never dominated such treatment. No doubt medicines these days are expensive. But while charging the fee greed rarely gained the upper hand. The efficacy of ayurveda is now realized globally. India holds the key to cure by ayiurveda.May the world benefit from the nectar of benefits flowing from such treatment linking herbs, nature and God.

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