Categories: LIFESTYLE

August 17: Holidays and Celebrations Today

What’s up for August 17th? What special occasions are celebrated on this date?

August 17th is a holiday for balloon rides, sandcastles, custard and more. Archaeologists, thrift shoppers, sports fans and others mark August 17th as a special holiday.

Take a peek at several popular August 17th holidays (arranged alphabetically).

Archaeology Day

August 17th is Archaeology Day, filling up a missing link in the annual calendar of daily celebrations. Can you dig it?

What is archaeology? Archaeology is a branch of anthropology, focusing on ancient and prehistoric cultures and civilizations. Archaeologists search and attempt to uncover artifacts and other evidence of human life in the distant past.

Why not celebrate Archaeology Day on August 17th by taking a tour at a historical museum? Check out the mummies, and examine primitive tool displays. Consider what the science of the past may reveal about life in the present time.

Bone up on ancient history on August 17th. It’s Archaeology Day.

Balloon Ride Day

Have you ever taken a hot air balloon ride?

August 17th celebrates the hot air balloon. The origins of this lofty holiday are twofold.

First, on August 17, 1859, the first-ever air mail envelope was delivered by hot air balloon, originating in Lafayette, Indiana.

Nearly 120 years later, three American aviation enthusiasts completed the first hot air balloon cross of the Atlantic Ocean, traveling from Presque Isle, Maine, to Paris, France, in just over 137 hours.

On August 17th, flying fans mark the occasion by taking hot air balloon rides, often enjoying special discounts for the holiday. Some communities hold hot air balloon festivals and competitions on August 17th to celebrate Balloon Ride Day.

Foul Ball Day

Have you ever caught a foul ball while watching a baseball game? August 17th celebrates baseball fans who intercept those errant hardballs.

On August 17, 1957, Philadelphia Phillies center fielder Richie (Whitey) Ashburn clubbed a foul ball into the stadium stands, clocking spectator Alice Roth in the nose. Taking another swing, Whitey Ashburn hit a second foul ball that hit the same fan, as paramedics carried her away on a stretcher.

Ironically, Alice Roth was the wife of Earl Roth, sports editor for the Philadelphia Bulletin.

After the incident, she and Whitey Ashburn became friends, and Alice Roth’s son became a batboy for the Philadelphia Phillies.

How about grabbing the gang and heading for a Major League (or minor league) Baseball game on August 17th? Be sure to grab a baseball glove before you go, and watch out for those foul balls.

Sandcastle Day

Bring on the buckets, sand molds and shovels. August 17th is Sandcastle Day.

In many beachside communities and resort towns, sandcastle-making competitions mark this creative and outdoorsy holiday. Who can make the largest, most ornate sandcastle or sand sculpture on August 17th? Who will volunteer to be buried up to the neck in beach sand to mark the occasion?

Before you head to the beach, be sure to read about “Our Sandy Surprise,” and check out these instructions for “Vacation Crafts: Simple Sand Candles.”

Thrift Shop Day

Who doesn’t love a great bargain?

With back-to-school shopping in full swing, August 17th is known as Thrift Shop Day. Bargain hunters sift through second-hand store merchandise to find the best deals on everything from tea cups to winter coats, dishes to dresses, and garden tools to great pairs of jeans.

Of course, the smartest shoppers sort through their own closets before departing for local thrift shops, packing up unwanted items to donate before browsing.

CTRL-click each title here to read “Thrifty Shoppers: What’s the Difference Between a Resale Store and a Consignment Shop” or “Bargain Fashionista Tips: How to Throw a Super Clothing Swap” in a new window.

Vanilla Custard Day

August 17th is Vanilla Custard Day, a fabulous foodie holiday with which we must not trifle.

What is your favorite custard-based dessert? Do you love cream pies, cream puffs, crème brulee, éclairs, pots de crème, tiramisu, trifles or other custard delights?

Want to make your own vanilla custard? CTRL-click here to read “Easy Crock-Pot Custard Recipe,” by J. Ellen Fedder in a new window.

Celebrate Vanilla Custard Day with a delicious dessert treat. Or bike, hike or motor to the local custard stand for a sundae or cone filled with yummy frozen custard.

Special Saints Days (Various)

The Calendar of the Saints lists the following for August 17th: Amor of Amorbach, Anastasius IX, Bartholomew, Beatrice da Silva, Caspar, Clare of Montefalco, Donatus, Drithelm, Frances Bizzocca, Francis Kuloi, Francis Kurobiove, Hiero, Hyacinth, Jacobo Kyushei Gorobioye Tomonaga, James the Deacon, Jeanne Delanoue, John of Monte Marano and Juliana.

Additional saints honored on August 17th (according to the Calendar of the Saints) include Liberatus, Louis Someyon, Luke Kiemon, Mamas, Martin Gomez, Mary Vaz, Michael Kiraiemon, Michaël Kurobyoie, Myron, Paul, Theodore of Grammont and Thomas Vinyemon.

Notable Anniversaries on August 17th:

Solymon Merrick of Massachusettes patented the first wrench on August 17, 1835. Twenty-three years later, Baltimore mechanic Charles Moncky invented the monkey wrench, which became monikered by a misspelling.

On August 17, 1979, Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” premiered in five cinemas in North America.

Various Other August 17th Holidays

August 17th is also Aviation Week Holiday, Davy Crockett Day, Feast Day of St. Mamas the Martyr, Feast of St. Liberatus – Abbot – and Six Monks, Feast of the Hungry Ghosts Holiday (China), Independence Day (Gabon), Independence Day (Indonesia), Mae West Day and Marcus Garvey Birthday Celebration Holiday (Rastafarian).

Additional August 17th holidays include Montserrat Annual Pilgrimage (varies), Odin’s Ordeal (Norse holiday), San Martin Day (Argentina), Shinto O-Bon – Festival of Souls (varies), St. Hyacinth’s Day (Lithuania) and St. Roch’s Feast Day.

Happy August 17th to one and all!

Other Notable Holidays:

Click here to check other calendar dates for notable holidays and additional holiday content from this author.

(Note: Annually, some dates may fluctuate to accommodate weekends and local calendars.)



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