Categories: Food & Wine

Asparagus the Goldmine of Nutrition!

Asparagus to begin with, is loaded with Vitamin K. If you consume one cup, you’ll get most of your total daily allowance of this vitamin, nearly 100 percent. Vitamin K is helpful to blood clotting formation, and healing powers, as well as the processing of calcium we have stored.

Folate is also a strong natural substance that is present in asaparagus. Folate, which is folic acid,is actually a water-soluble Vitamin B that helps to prevent anemia. Folic acid also controls the production of new body cells and helps to keep these cells healthier. Homocystine is processed by folate which is an essential amino acid. When you eat one cup of asaparagus, you get at least 65 percent of your dietary requirement needed.

Vitamin C is present in asparagus, up to 40 percent of your daily requirement. Vitamin C works on the immune system strength, and helps the body fight off cancers and heart diseases. Collagen is also produced because of Vitamin C. Collagen is what holds the bones together, giving them strength. When you lack collagen in the bones, it causes many problems such as bursitis, trigger finger, and other types of arthritis.

You will also receive Vitamin A through the consumption of asparagus. Asparagus delivers about 18 percent of your daily requirement needed. Vitamin A plays a role in strong eye health for one, It is also an immune system builder for the body as a whole. This vitamin has also been known for stroke prevention for reasons not yet known.

Tryptophan is another type of amino acid which our bodies need daily. One cup of asparagus will provide you with at least 17 percent of your requirements.

The essential B vitamins, which are B1, B2, B3, and B6 are part of the great nutrition asparagus within it. All of the vitamins in the B group are water-soluble. Let’s take a look at what the B vitamins are and how much of each we receive by consuming asparagus:

Vitamin B1, gives us the energy we need daily, and vitality. Vitamin B1 provides us with 16 percent of what is needed daily.

Vitamin B2, which is riboflavin, helps the processing of glucose and metabolization of fats. You will receive about 14 percent of B2 by consuming asparagus.

Vitamin B3 helps blood circulation and has niacin, a substance which lowers your cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 helps us to digest our protein and fats, and aids in our red blood cell formation, which helps to prevent anemia from occuring. Hydrochloric Acid is needed for digestion, and B6 is the vitamin responsible for helping us to produce this needed acid in our system.

Copper is part of asparagus, and will deliver 11 percent through this vegetable source. Copper is needed in order to form blood hemoglobin in our system. Copper also helps the collagen work better to the good of our bone health.

Manganese is included in one cup of asparagus delivering 15 percent of our daily needed requirement. Manganese sets the stage for processing all of your key nutrients in the body such as biotin, which is a phytochemical that is in charge of processing your fats and essential fatty acids.

There is about 3 grams of fiber in one cup of asaparagus which is needed for daily roughage and intestinal health.

Protein is included in asparagus which gives you about four and a half grams. Protein is needed to build muscles, keep dental health well, and is part of amino acids, which is essential. So if you are vegetarian, this is one way to get some daily needed protein in your diet.

And finally potassium, needed for life, is an natural diuretic along with providing our heart health, is part of asaparagus. Asparagus in a one cup serving size delivers over 280 milligrams, which is about 10 percent of our necessary requirement.

So to sum it all up, what better food could you possible include in your daily diet plan? Eating asparagus on a regular basis can give you longevity for life with its goldmine of nutrients!


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