Categories: People

Artist’s Profile: Akiane

Akiane Kramarik. Many have heard of this name, however, some may have never heard of this name. Akiane Kramarik is a young artist that paints amazing art; amazing art that she says is “inspired by God”.

Akiane (pronounced: Ah-ki-ana) Kramarik was born July 1994 in Illinois. Her mother is from Lithuania and her father is from the United States. Akiane began sketching at the age of four and painting with pastels at the age of six. She is a self taught painter. Akiane is also a writer of poetry, has published two books, and has painted over 100 inspirational paintings depicting faces and visions of God.

She has explained that her painting talents is a “gift from God” and through her paintings, she turned her family to faith in God instead of their previous atheist ways. Her favorite objects to paint are people and spirituality. She said at age three, God gave her instructions to paint and help the less fortunate.

Akiane has made several appearances on primetime TV and on talk shows; such as Oprah, Larry King, Good Morning America, and The Late, Late Show. After appering on Oprah and other TV talk shows alike, Akiane’s a name became internationally known and her career began to boom in a positive way. Many people of stature, including CEOs, celebrities, royalty, etc., are fans of Akiane, and collect her inspirational art work. Akiane is featured in the book Heaven is for Real.

Akiane sells her paintings on her website. Many of her art pieces sale for $5,000-$5,000,000 for originals, and $100 and up for prints. Most of the profits from her paintings go to charity to help prevent poverty and child hunger. She also donates some of her earnings to help people with pancreatic cancer.

Presently at the age of 17, Akiane now resides in Sandpoint, Idaho with her family.


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