Alternative Menstrual Products: Cloth Pads, Sea Sponges, and Cups

Having a monthly period is something almost all women have to deal with. It can last for several days to a week, only to return the next month, for years and years. Most of us were brought up using disposable pads and tampons. We were taught that once you use it, you throw it away. Either to be flushed down the toilet or thrown in the trash can, never to be seen again. When your next period would show up (sometimes unexpectedly) a few weeks later, you probably found yourself tearing through your bathroom drawers, cupboards and medicine cabinet with hopes of finding just one more pantyliner, pad, tampon, anything to hold you over. Some of us have even been forced to drastic measures – the dreaded folded up toilet paper! You’d then be rushing to the nearest convenience or drug store to stock up on more pads and tampons.

Did you know that there are alternative menstrual products? There are such things and they can save you money, the environment and your sanity! No more sending your embarassed boyfriend or husband to the store when your period sneaks up on you! No more spending hundreds of dollars a year on uncomfortable products that you are just going to throw away! What exactly are alternative menstrual products you may ask? I’m going to tell you all about them!

Alternative menstrual products come in different forms. There are cloth pads, sea sponges and cups. All of these can be washed and reused. A lot of women are turned off by the fact that you’re washing something that contains or held blood, but it’s not as disgusting as you may think. Menstruating is a natural part of being a woman and not something to be uncomfortable with. If you accidentally bled onto your underwear, would you throw them away immediately or wash them? More often than not you’re washing your underwear, as you can’t imagine throwing away something that you spent your hard earned money for. The same can be said for your menstrual products.

Cloth menstrual pads are a popular choice that is not worn internally. Cloth pads are perhaps that easiest to get used to and best for women who don’t like to use tampons or products that need to be inserted. You use cloth pads in the same way as disposable pads. They are made out of flannel or cotton, with absorbant fabric in the middle and usually a waterproof fabric at the bottom. They can come with wings or not. All different sizes are available ranging from pantyliners to postpartum and incontinence. A lot of women have said that they have shorter, less painful periods when using cloth. When you need to change your pad you can rinse in cold water, then place in a container to soak until it’s time to wash them. Cloth menstrual pads are found online and in some health food stores. The cost of cloth menstrual pads will repay itself fairly quickly. They can last for up to 10 years and cost as little as $2.00 – $20.00, depending on which company you buy from and which size.

Sea sponges or sea pearls are used in the same way as tampons. They are inserted and removed when they’ve absorbed the blood. You can find sea sponges online or in an art supplies store. You can cut them to the shape you desire that will be most comfortable for you. When you need to change your sponge, you simply remove it and rinse it under water. After it’s rinsed thoroughly you can either reinsert it or use a dry one. Most women find it more comfortable to use a sponge that is slightly wet for ease in insertion. Sea sponges can last 6 – 8 months and are very inexpensive. The cost of sea sponges for one year are close (if not just $1.00 more) than the price of one box of tampons.

Menstrual cups are popular amongst many women who prefer to use internal menstrual protection. There are many different brands of menstrual cups, such as: The Keeper, Diva Cup and Moon Cup. Most are latex free or made out of medical grade silicone. They are in the shape of a bell, with a small stem at the bottom used in removing the cup. Menstrual cups are very flexible and are folded to be inserted. Cups can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time and are very easy to clean. Simply remove the cup, dump the blood into the toilet and rinsed in the sink. You can menstrual cups easily on the web and in some health food stores. Their cost usually between $30 – $40 and last up to 10 years!

As you can see, not all of these are much different than what you’re already using. The best advantage of all is that they are reusable and not very hard to get used to! If you decide to made the switch from disposables to reusable alternative menstrual products you’ll no longer dread your period. You will always be prepared and no longer have to make inconvenient stops to the store. In the long run, you’ll be saving lots of money and lots of waste in the landfills. Having options such as these is a wonderful, liberating feeling of freedom!


Karla News

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