After the Death of Heath Ledger, Busy Philipps Has Been Reportedly Helping Michelle Williams Through the Grieving Process

Heath Ledger was a great actor and many now recognize him for his Golden Globe award in the movie Brokeback Mountain. Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment on Tuesday the 22nd of January and has left many behind including ex-fiancé, Michelle Williams, and daughter, Matilda. During this process, Busy Philipps has be reportedly helping Michelle Williams through this difficult time in her life.

There are steps that Michelle Williams and anyone else who is suffering through the loss of a loved one, can do to help in the grieving process. These steps are meaningful and will continue to help you to better understand your emotions and the mixed feelings that you may have.

If at all possible, try to find someone that you can talk too. The person can either be a friend, relative, or a grief counselor. Talking to someone during this time will help you through the grieving process. Whoever you talk too, this person should be someone who will listen to you and not judge you. After a while, people may seem like they are no longer listening and this is usually not the case. Most people start to get uncomfortable when you talk about the loved one who died or they may not understand what you are going through. Grief counseling could also help you to learn how to cope with this situation.

If you happen to have children like Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams does, look to them for signs that they are taking it hard. Even though a child may seem fine, this is not usually the case. Most children will learn to bottle it up inside because they do not know how to express their feelings. A child who loss a parent should see a counselor so that they can express themselves better and to help them understand what is going on.

Being patient is hard to do at a time like this but understand that it could take months or even years before you start to get past some of these emotions. Don’t be ashamed at how long or how little time that it takes you to be able to go a day without crying. The grieving process is different for everyone including children, parents, spouses, and friends.

Be sure to ask for help when it is being offered or when you need it. During the first few months, everything may seem like a haze and you may not be up to doing things that you want or need to do. If someone offers help with anything, take them up on this offer. There may be times when you don’t feel like cleaning or doing the shopping, other people can help you to do this especially if you are in a down time.

Always seek out help when you need it if you feel that you can’t go on. There are some people who feel that life isn’t worth living after the death of a loved one and these people should seek out the help of a professional. Depression is sometimes hard to admit and you should know the warning signs of depression.

The help of a grief counselor could help you to learn how to cope with this situation and most professionals say that it is better to seek out help after the death of a loved one than what it is to try and go at it alone.


Karla News

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