Categories: Parenting

Abortion vs. Adoption: What the Right Choice?

For years they have been some of the most controversial topics. Abortion or Adoption. Which is the better choice? There is no right answer. It’s a choice that only a mother can make. A decision she will have to live with for the rest of her life one that she will never be able to take back or change once it has been done. Many say that it’s a cruel and inhumane act but sometimes looking at the alternative options it seems like the one and only humane thing to do. The lesser of the two evils so to speak. Why do I say that? I will tell you why.

When you make a choice to bring a child into this world, you make the decision to care for someone else. In doing so you are now not only to provide for yourself but for a child as well. You are to provide for this child emotionally, physically, mentally and financially. That’s a great deal of responsibility which many of us are not ready for. I am a woman with no children and very little education. It is hard for me to make ends meet just supporting myself never mind another mouth.

Be honest, think back when you first thought of having a family of your own. Did you ever think that you would not be able to provide for them that you would have to do it with no help what so ever. That when you went to your family that you would be shunned. How about the person who fathered the child and they want no part of it. No, because we never do. It’s a very beautiful concept that we would all have a supportive family, love of our life, children and live happily ever. Sadly that is not reality for all of us.

When you find yourself in the predicament of being pregnant with a child and you don’t have support you feel trapped. Your choices are limited. You feel as if you are stuck between the sword and the stone. And as we all know there are no easy solutions. Desperate times lead to desperate measures. Your choices are to have the baby and try to raise it on your own(not a possibility for some) , give it up for adoption or an abortion. Both choices are grim. If you put the child up for adoption you have to live with the constant knowledge that you will never see them again. Always wondering if you made the right decision, are they happy and do they know and understand enough to know that you did it with their best interest in mind. Can they ever forgive you and know that you did love them and want them. Not every child who gets adopted is lucky enough to be placed in a home with a loving family. You don’t have any guarantee but in trusting that you are making the better choice you do it. If you later found out that they were abused could you live with that? Many children don’t get adopted and spend their youth in these places waiting to be adopted and feel unwanted think about how devastating that is to a child.

Abortion is your other choice. When you think of all the things that could go wrong with an adoption it really seems to be the sane thing to do. Just like adoption abortion carries the many emotional strains as well. Always wondering what your child’s gender would have been, what would they have been like, will you be able to have anymore children. How will people treat you, will they understand? Will you have forgiveness from God. When does it stop hurting? Like I said no easy solution no such thing as one is better than the other. It really depends on the situation and the individual.

There are many woman who use abortion as a form of birth control. Those of you who do you know who you are. Abortion should not be used as a method to fix your carelessness and disregard for the consequences of your actions. I think that everyone should do there part to help reduce the number of unwanted children through education, awareness, caution and practice. For those woman who do have abortions for health reasons, pregnancy because of a rape and children to be born with deformity my sympathy goes out to you.For all those people who are so against abortions no matter the reason. Stop talking about how wrong it is and do something to help. Become a good adoptive parent to at least one unwanted child. To prevent more children feeling or being unwanted.

These are the words from a survivor who has lived through both choices. Growing up always thinking my mom didn’t want me and living with the decision that I made to not bring a child into the world to feel the way I did.

Karla News

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