Categories: Beauty

A Review of the Ultimate Body Applicator

All of my adult life, I have struggled with my weight. It’s literally been a constant battle to lose the weight and keep it off. I’ve finally gotten to a weight that I’m pretty comfortable with, but it seems I can never stay here for very long. Not until now anyway. I’ve recently discovered one of the most amazing body slimming products ever. Before you stop reading, listen to what I have to say about the Ultimate Body Applicator.

I found this “wrap” a few weeks ago on the internet from a company called It Works and I figured I would give it a try. Up to this point, I had already tried about every body slimming wrap, gel, and pill on the market and ultimately came away with little to no results. I believe I read somewhere that the Ultimate Body Applicator was created in Mexico and had been popular there and in European spas for years. I have no clue why it took so long for this miracle product to make it to the United States. I ordered the Ultimate Body Applicator on a Monday and it arrived on the following Friday. That’s pretty quick shipping I might add. I was extremely excited and somewhat nervous to try the product, so I immediately opened the package. There was a pamphlet explaining the wraps, a DVD that furthered described what you were supposed to do and the results you should expect, and of course the four wraps.

I watched the DVD and learned that over the next three days, I should expect to lose anywhere from one to four inches overall on my abdomen. That’s my trouble area, so that’s where I applied the wraps, but you can put them pretty much anywhere on the body that you want to spot reduce. They even make a special wrap for the face, which I might add, you have to see. It’s the most hilarious looking “mask” I’ve seen in quite a while. A bit creepy as well. Oh yeah, I suppose I should add that you only use one wrap every three days, so one box of wraps goes pretty far. Anyway, you’re supposed to leave the wrap on for a minimum of 45 minutes or so, but I figured I would leave mine on for a bit longer, you know, just to make sure that I was getting the full force of the wrap. The wrap itself is just a cotton terry cloth that sits directly on the skin. On the cloth is the solution that literally soaks into the skin. After applying the Ultimate Body Applicator, you need to secure the terry cloth with an elastic bandage or plastic wrap. I found that the bandage was much easier to work with; the plastic wrap was uncomfortable and seemed to roll on the skin. As the wrap sat on my skin, I could feel my skin getting warmer. It was really an odd sensation; it wasn’t at all uncomfortable, just strange. As the minutes and hours went by, my whole abdomen was tingling. I knew then that the product was really working. Three hours later, I removed the wrap and rubbed the remainder of the solution in to my skin. I even took some of the excess and rubbed on my arms and face. When I was finished making sure that every single drop had been used, I broke out the tape measure and was astonished at what I found. Instantly, my skin felt tighter and actually looked better. I measured my abdomen in three places and had already lost a total of 2 inches. Of course I was excited, but I really didn’t expect these inches to stay off. The next morning I woke up and measured again, I had lost another half inch. By this point, I was picturing myself in a Speedo walking down the beach. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a far stretch for me, but you get the idea.

I’ve continued using these products for the past few weeks and all I can say is that I am thrilled with the results. I actually just ordered another shipment of the wraps and plan on repeating the process for as long as possible. The wraps also promise to help with cellulite and stretch marks. I haven’t really noticed a huge difference in my stretch marks, but the company does offer a stretch mark cream that may do the trick. I plan on ordering it next time and I will definitely write a review for that product as well. If body slimming and toning is something you are interested in, I would definitely recommend that you check out the Ultimate Body Applicator and other products offered by It Works!


Karla News

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