Categories: Prose

A Lynda Barry Writing Workshop in Chicago for Two Days in August and Only $250? Unthinkable or Unbelievable? Think Again

A Lynda Barry Writing Workshop in Chicago for Two Days in August and Only $250? Unthinkable or Unbelievable? Think AgainOh, How I’d Love to Go to This One! Faster Than a Speeding Bullet, it Sold Out! By jcornWhile chatting online, I was told about this by a friend, whose motives I am now questioning but I think they were good (I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt):

A writing class with author Lynda Barry….and for only $250 for a whole two days! I zipped over to check out the details on the listing and there were STILL two slots left. But when I went to put in my bid, it was sold out. Rats! Of course, I had to pour salt into my psychic wound by going here and confirming the reality of what I’d just missed:

Now I’m left to chew anxiously on my fingernails as I rue the lost opportunity to take part in a writing workshop with Lynda Barry. I hope someone writes about it. I guess that someone won’t be me (sniffle). So, yes, this isn’t exactly the sunniest, most chipper article I’ve written but there is some very good news in here if you keep reading, a ray of hope for those who might also have wanted to attend that workshop. A connection for the alienated writer, wallowing in misery.

But first….

Why I wish I was able to go to the Lynda Barry Writing Workshop in Chicago during August

There are many reasons I wish I’d gotten a chance to participate. For one thing, I love the title of that workshop: Writing the Unthinkable. I really relate to that because often when I write a piece, I often wonder: Does anybody else think about these things? Will they relate? Sometimes I think, “No way! Ugh! I don’t even what to think about it any more!” and then I delete a potential masterpiece of original thought. I’d like to know if I should be reconsidering that position more often, wait a bit longer, give my work another chance before pitching it.

Who would ‘t want Lynda Barry to tell me how she gets past that anxiety – or if she does? Who wouldn’t want to know her trade secrets? I really don’t want to know who doesn’t want to participate. Those were a couple of redundant questions there and a double negative too (bet you thought I didn’t notice that).

The main part, of course, is that Lynda Barry is said to be teaching this

Lynda Barry? Yes, Lynda Barry! The woman known for the comic strip, Ernie Pook’s comic. The author who draws cartoons that are often disturbing yet also engaging. The person who gives dysfunctional people – and those who wonder about them- a chance to view the realities , as portrayed by one person. She not only admits that life is often unfair for children but rubs it in, which is somehow comforting and honest and engaging. Her characters have names like Marlys, Maybone and Freddy (siblings) and there is this very strange poodle that has appeared called Fred Milton.

By the way, did you know that Lynda Barry actually dated Ira Glass, he of NPR fame? Yes, she did but the relationship ended and not in a good way.

There was reportedly some animosity but that seems to be in the past, although she did write a story about it called “Head lice and my Worst Boyfriend”. What a title! I love the way she put those two seemingly unrelated things in one title and piqued my interest. She obviously piqued other people’s interest as her work has gotten raves from such diverse media as Entertainment Weekly and The New York Times…..and now I’m raving about her too. I raved about her before but now I have a reason to put it into print. Envy. BItterness. Pain. Trying to distract myself from the memory of that missed workshop.

Likely Page BreakSo I’ll go on to note that Matt Groening actually dedicated his early editions of Life in Hell to her. Ye, those first books gave a nod to her (source: A.V. club interview with Lynda Barry). You can see that info here:

If you want to know more about Lynda Barry’s work, try going to Amazon or another site and doing a search under her name. You’ll find a ton of information, books, links, etc. The Freddy Stories, Cruddy, One! Hundred! Demons!…they are all there. If you don’t know who she is, I also envy your discovery of her for the first time. I guess I’m wracked with envy today.

Getting back to the workshop: the class description of Lynda Barry’s upcoming two day writing workshop in Chicago was particularly appealing

You can check out the listing yourself (this isn’t Spam because it is sold out) but it was listed as being open to all sorts of people, even non-writers. Anyone could attend and everyone was encouraged to attend, although potential participants were warned to expect lots of hard work. I’d be game for that. I’d be open to just about any writing workshop where Lynda Barry was offering her advice. I’ve loved her quirky writing for years (well, not all of it but plenty of it). Also, I liked the the part of the description that noted that people could blow their mind…with their own minds. Oddly I can relate to that, too, and think I may even be doing that sometimes (but I’d still like Linda Barry to affirm that). Also, the part about blowing one’s mind, the meaning of that…well, it is left up to the readers’ imagination, a nice touch.

The price for Lynda Barry’s writing workshop seems a bargain

Only $125 for two days and no socializing required! Plus, people only have to bring along 150 sheets of notebooks paper, a three-ring binder and pens. I really like that part about using actual pens to write, a complete novelty compared to typing away at a keyboard, very retro! Okay, I”m wincing again, envious of those 50 lucky souls that presumably got into this class. I better stop that and keep writing or I’ll be fraught with jealously, tormented by lust over that missed workshop.

But here’s a ray of hope in this dark picture of missed opportunity:

If I hadn’t heard about Lynda Barry’s writing workshop, I never would have made it over to Amazon and discovered a book called What it Is, another work by Barry which focuses on the creative process, writing, etc. I bought that book and am eagerly looking forward to getting it. Plus, at only $16.47 (plus shipping if you don’t have Prime membership), it is much less expensive than $250 for the workshop…but I’d still prefer the workshop. I’d probably end up buying that book anyway but still…

A word about Marilyn Frasca, a woman who taught Lynda Barry about writing

Barry reportedly teaches a writing method that draws upon one she learned from Marilyn Frasca. This motivated me to go here:
to try and learn something about those techniques. There really isn’t much to go on but maybe she’ll offer a workshop of her own in the future.

So, there you have it. Lynda Barry is offering a two day writing workshop and I don’t have a chance of getting into it, short of a miracle. However, I will be comforting myself by looking at some books of hers, hope to learn something from the book I ordered called What it Is and maybe turning to some chocolate therapy as well. I guess I have to stop writing now and try something else to keep from focusing on this lost opportunity.


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