Categories: Books

A Boondocks Fighting Game

My roommate is a pretty big fan of The Boondocks. While I don’t find it utterly hilarious, it is pretty enjoyable if you can get past the frequent use of the n word. I will give the show credit though, it does some great fight sequences.

The fight scenes are so notable that some have come up with the idea that a Boondocks fighting game would be awesome. As much as I’d love to claim that this idea just occurred to me, I stumbled onto it via an internet message board of all places.

The more I think about it, the more I think it would really work. All of the characters have their own distinct fighting styles and moves. Huey has his martial arts, Riley has his street-fighting/airsoft guns, and Granddad has his “belt-fu. Heck, even a bunch of the supporting characters have fighting ability. Stinkmeaner could be a playable character (both as old man and possessed Tom Dubois), Bushido Brown, Blind “African American Fellow” Samurai, and even Uncle Ruckus or Luna could be playable characters as well.

The game could be like Super Smash Bros where you can have a 4 person brawl and have characters team up on opponents. Even in Arcade mode, it would be cool to team up with your friends to try and take down opponents.

The game could work either as a mainstream release or it could just be a game you download off of the various console stores like Playstation Network or Xbox Live.

The idea to go old school and make it a 16-bit fighting game is tempting, but given the animation quality of the show, I suppose it would be better to take advantage of the graphics capabilities of the more high tech consoles. Given how well the Dragonball Z fighting games did as far as graphics go, I reckon a Boondocks game would look just as good in CGI form.

With the show finally returning for a third season, it would make sense to announce it to tie in to the show’s return. The show has garnered some controversy, but I see no reason why the racial slurs would have to be in the game. Sure, it wouldn’t be the same to play as a character like Stinkmeaner without his trademarks taunting, but I don’t think it’s that major a factor. With an “M” rating, you could probably get away with a few profanities here and there, racial slurs might be pushing it though.

One other factor that will be necessary for the game to succeed is a solid soundtrack. The show manages to do a good job picking tracks (mostly rap) that complement the sequences. A great soundtrack would definitely get gamers more immersed into the game and get them more pumped up as they progress through the game. Music does manage to affect gameplay so you could put that fact to good use.

The only downside is that the franchise is somewhat controversial, however, if history is any indication, then the controversy will probably lead to higher sales. If the game is well done, that will only lead to more purchases.

I wouldn’t qualify myself as an ardent fan of the show, but if such a game were to be released, I would most certainly pick it up as it would be a fun game and it would also help alleviate that bad reputation that tie in games tend to have.

Karla News

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