7 Ways to Get into a Happy Mood

Are you feeling sad? Do you need a splash of happiness in your life? If so you’re not alone. It’s normal from time to time to feel sad. Sometimes there is a reason and other times it’s just the hormones influencing our feelings of sadness. The good news is you do have control over your mood. If you have the desire you can change your mood into a happy one. The following are 7 tips on how you can get into a happy mood.

Watch a funny show or movie. This is a great way to divert your attention away from whatever is causing you to feel sad. A movie or funny show will also get you laughing. Laughing will naturally release endorphins causing you to feel happier and even less stressed. Don’t know of a great funny movie? A few I can suggest to you to get you into a happy mood are Coming to America with Eddie Murphy, Zoolander with Ben Stiller, Date Night with Steve Carell and Me, Myself and Irene with Jim Carrey.

Make a list of all the things that have made you happy in the past. Reminiscing will make you feel happy and even serve as a reminder that you can be happy once again. Think about your life accomplishments, fun times you have had with friends and silly mistakes you made in life that you can laugh about today. It’s great to have a happy list because you can refer to it when you’re feeling sad and need a boost of happiness.

Do something you like to get you into a happy mood. For example, what gets me into a happy mood is getting a massage, going out to a new restaurant, hiking with some friends, creating life goals and planning my next trip.

Socialize with people you know and don’t know. It’s amazing how being around others can change your entire mood. Make a date with friends or participate in a local social event. Social activities can be found in your local newspaper, park and recreational center and through the chamber of commerce.

Listen to some happy music. Research has shown that music can help boost our happy mood. So experiment. Listen to a variety of different types of music. Find out which genres seem to get you into the happy mood. For me it’s hip-hop, contemporary jazz and reggae.

Make a difference in someone’s life. Volunteer at a local organization, help a stranger in need or simply ask your neighbor what you can do to help them. Doing something for someone else will not only make them feel happy but will make you happy too.

Take care of your overall well-being. Sometimes if we don’t eat, sleep or take care of our body feelings of sadness can take over. So get 6-8 hours of rest. Eat three meals a day with snacks in between. Everyday do some simple exercises. When you feel your best getting into a happy mood will become easier.

Recommended Readings:
How to Stay Happily Married with Children
How to Be Happy After Divorce
6 Tips For Getting Into a Happy Mood

Karla News

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