Categories: Parenting

7 Fun Dinner Ideas

First of all, you don’t have to use all 7 ideas all in the same week. If you did that, you just might have to come up with 7 more fun ideas for the bnext week, to avoid returning to your regular dinner time scenario.

Second of all, the rules to having fun dinners are to break the rules!

My family typically eats meals in the way you’re not supposed to. The children eat at the table, but the parents (yes, I will confess my husband and I do this) will eat in the living room, watching tv.

Yes, you are supposed to eat at the table as a family, and talk about your day while you eat. That doesn’t work with my family, but on the occassion it may happen. Maybe once a month or so. Well, that’s not my point anyways. My point is that even if you do eat your meals at the table like you are supposed to, it is probably a dull routine that needs a little change of pace. So, here are some ideas that can make your family dinner a little different.

Picnic Ideas

1.) You don’t need to be outside to have a picnic. Even if it is a rainy/snowy Monday evening, a picnic can still happen. Lay out a blanket on the floor, either in your kitchen or living room. TV is optional. You can even play games while you eat!

Sample games to try: Any card game, Cranium Family Fun, 20 questions/ I spy, Scribble (one person makes a scribble, and passes it to the next person who turns the scribble into a drawing then makes another scribble… passing the notebook around.)

2.) ‘Packed Picnic’. Make a meal that you can pack like a lunch and everyone head out to the family vehicle for a drive. If you don’t allow eating in your car, break the rule for once!

Sample Destinations: Out to a movie for a midweek surprise, just a cruise to admire natural beauty, visit a nearby family member or friend

Menu Change

3.) Pull a Denny’s and serve a breakfast for dinner! (Try it buffet style!)

Sample Servings: french toast, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs

4.)Make a menu. Allow everyone in the family to ‘order’ their own dinner choice, and make seperate dinners for everyone. To make this easier, write up a menu and stick it to the fridge in the morning, telling each family member to circle their order. This gives you more time to pull everything together.

Sample Extras: Decorate in a restaurant style setting. Encourage your husband to ‘tip the waitress.’ Allow the children to order wine if they choose (juice in a wine glass.)

5.) Snack Dinner. It is probably just as healthy as it sounds. But once in a while, it is okay to do this. It is a nice change from the main entree and 2 side dishes dinner usually consists of.

Ideas: Any finger food works here! Bagel bites/ pizza rolls, taquitos, crackers and cheese, ‘tea sandwiches’, tater tots/frech fries, ants on a log, etc.


6.) You may need to use an entire loaf of bread for this one. Using cookie cutters (the larger the better, less bread wasted) make fun shapes and set the bread on a plate. Add a ‘buffet’ of sandwich filling choices. Everyone can make their own sandwiches right there at the table, offering the same fun ‘do it yourself’ scenario as taco night. Serve with soup on the side!

Sample Fillings : Egg/chicken/tuna salad. PBJ. meats/cheeses with condiments. Sloppy Joe/pulled pork.

note: for the best tuna fishe sandwiches use tuna, mayo, dijon mustard, cubes of cheese, pickle relish and lemon or lime juice. Very fancy, and even the pickiest eaters will love this!


7.) Why wait until the weekend to throw a barbecue? Invite over another family with children and eat your meat and salads together during a weekday.

Sample Items: Steak, burgers, hot dogs, macaroni/potato salad, fruit salad

I hope these ideas come of some use to you. I also suggest that when you serve pasta, you try different sauces. Pesto and clam sauce (red or white) are delicous, and a nice change of pace from the standard tomato sauce.

Karla News

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