Categories: Parenting

5 Tips for Treating Baby Diarrhea

There is so much to learn about a baby when you are a new parent, it seems the questions are never ending. An area of the baby that a parent really needs to be aware of is any changes in bowel movement. Although baby diarrhea happens at some point to most babies, it still can come as quite a surprise and learning about diarrhea treatment is very important.

Infant diarrhea can happen at anytime and although checking a dirty diaper is not something to look forward to, knowing how to treat baby diarrhea is essential when considering the baby’s health.

Here you will find 5 tips for treating baby diarrhea such as: giving as much fluid as possible, giving frequent and small amounts of liquid, giving soft foods, changing from a milk based formula to a soy based formula and using over the counter diarrhea products.

Give as Much Fluid as Possible

When a baby has diarrhea, he or she loses a tremendous amount of fluids and the possibility of dehydration is always a concern. Trying to give the baby as much fluid as possible is one of easiest and best tried and true methods.

Give Frequent Small Amounts of Liquid

If the baby is reluctant to drink fluids, even giving very small amounts of fluid as frequently as possible is a good way to get the baby hydrated.

Give Soft Foods

If your baby is old enough to eat solids, foods that are easy to digest are a good way to help treat baby diarrhea. Foods such as rice cereal, smashed bananas and mashed potatoes are good choices. As long as the baby is not vomiting, soft foods that are easily digestible are a good choice.

Milk Based Formula to Soy Based Formula

Sometimes changing the baby’s formula that is derived from cow’s milk to a formula that is derived from soy is a helpful treatment for baby diarrhea. When considering formula, it is highly recommended to discuss it with your baby’s doctor before making any changes.

Over the Counter Diarrhea Products

There are many over the counter diarrhea products that can used for treating baby diarrhea. A very well known product is Pedialyte but there are other many good products that will hydrate the baby and get him or her back to normal, it is important to talk with your baby’s doctor and/or the pharmacist for product recommendations.

Examining and evaluating baby diarrhea is not a pleasant activity, however you want your child to be in her or his best health so being aware of and knowing baby diarrhea tips that can be done at home really can be helpful.

Diarrhea is typically not serious and baby diarrhea treatments are easily done at home, however if you feel your baby’s diarrhea seems extreme or abnormal make sure to call your baby’s doctor to express your concern and get medical advice.

It is so important to be an informed parent, ask lots of questions about your baby’s diarrhea and if you do not feel like you are satisfied with the answers you receive keep asking until you feel comfortable about understanding how to treat baby diarrhea.


Karla News

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