5 Legal Ways to Make Money Quickly

While the internet is filled with scams to help you get rich quick, here are some real ways to come up with some extra money in a hurry. Whether you need cash to buy gasoline, pay your rent or mortgage, or simply to pay for an unforeseen expense here are 5 great ways to get your hands on some cash. The first way is the standard college ploy of selling plasma. While you aren’t going to get rich, in my area you can make about 50 dollars by donating plasma each week. Normally your first visit will take an hour or two to fill out paperwork on your risk factors for a variety of nasty things such as HIV. Follow up visits should go much quicker (perhaps 30 minutes) and get you out the door with fast cash. Be sure to eat a few hours before donation and have plenty of liquids to reduce your chances for feeling sick or light headed after donation.

The second way is another old favorite of the down and out: Pawn Shops. Pawn Shops charge a high interest rate but it is a way of coming up with cash. About anything of value should get you some money but jewelry with diamonds, power tools, and guns will garner more interest. If you are not interesting in getting the item back, let the pawn broker know and they may offer you more to buy it outright. Check the laws in your jurisdiction so that you know what is legal and what isn’t before walking into the Pawn Shop. And like everything else get offers from various Pawn Shops to see who offers the best price.

In many cities finding work as a day laborer is an option. Ask around at convenience stores and gas stations for the location that workers wait to be hired. Expect low wages but you normally get paid in cash at the end of the day. Other alternatives include getting hired in a tipped position (pizza delivery, etc.), holding a “Need Work” sign (or just plain begging), going door to door looking for odd jobs, and answering ads in the newspaper for odd jobs / chores, etc.

Another method to raise cash is to sell stuff. Whether you hold a yard sale, sell on the street, or list an item on EBay you can raise money quickly with these methods. Clothes, jewelry, DVDs, and tools are often good sellers in this format, but all will sell very cheaply. By the way, everyone should have an EBay account just for this purpose. Plus you never know when you will come across something that you can sell.

The fifth method would be the hardest for me, but it does work. Simply ask for help. Don’t beat around the bush, but explain why you need the money, how you can pay it back, and flat out ask for it (or part of it). Family, friends, your church are all places that you could ask for money. If you get the money move heaven and Earth to pay it back. It is bad for your reputation and your soul to be indebted to others whether they expect it back or not.

Once you have the money to cover your emergency it is time to get on a budget and to get a job, or a better one.

Visit my Content Producer page for more articles on cheap meals, fishing, hunting, travel, home improvement, and much more.

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