Categories: Food & Wine

5 Favorite Chocolate Desserts

A collection of some of my favorite chocolate desserts, memories, tips and recipes.

Chocolate layer cake – There is nothing more comforting that a slice of cake, but this is especially true if it is chocolate cake. Yummy white, yellow or chocolate layers of cake covered with any type of chocolate frosting is a chocolate layer cake. There are many variations of chocolate cake. Find a recipe and bake one today. One I like a lot is a 10 layer cake. Some call this a Smith Island cake. I call it grandma’s recipe. The 10 layer I remember from home as a child was from grandma. The height alone was astounding to a 5 year old. Perfect little yellow layers smothered in a chocolate icing I haven’t had since. I remember it filled my whole mouth with good. The icing was always a bit grainy from the sugar she used and this was one of the best parts. A slice would take a while to eat, and if you took it apart, as I did, it lasted even longer. Yum! I miss her and her cake, too!

Fudge – An extreme chocolate sweet is how to describe fudge. Fudge made right is such a delight. Once Aunt Mag made a dark chocolate fudge with black walnuts, it was intoxicating. When we lifted the lid of the tin containing this treat we were hit with a strong smell of liquor. For an instant we thought Aunt Mag had been hitting the bottle while in the kitchen, but in fact that lovely aroma was because of the black walnuts. It was yummy!

Brownies – Aside from chocolate chip cookies this is probably one of the first chocolate baked foods a kid experiences. Brownies are a great treat for parties, school functions and meetings. One of the best parts of the brownie, to me, is the edge pieces. Sometimes I cut them all neatly into squares cutting away all edges. Use the leftover edge brownie and form it into small balls. Roll these in powdered sugar. Two desserts from one baking.

Chocolate Pudding – A definite comfort food. Pudding fills gaps. When you didn’t make the team, mom made pudding. When the fishing trip went foul you popped the top on a pudding. When you skinned your knee and the tears and snot were running G-ma gave you pudding. As a grown up you still like pudding. Have some warm for the holidays it wraps around you like a hug.

Buckeyes – Buckeyes are peanut butter balls dipped in melted chocolate. An easy to make candy they travel well and will not last long in a crowd. Recipe to follow.

Tips and Recipes

When making a cake, I like to experiment with different recipes from my collection of recipe books. If I find that the recipe turned out well, great, if not I “x” it out with a black marker and never try it again. If I’m in a rush or pinch and need to take a cake to a party or event, I use box mix. If all directions are followed they generally turn out great, save time and present well.

Basic Fudge- A quick recipe:

1 – jar of marshmallow whip

1- bag chocolate chips (semi-sweet, 12 oz)

½ c. nuts (optional)

Extra chocolate chips ( or other flavors like peanut butter, mint, etc.) (optional)

Prepare a glass pan 8×8 by greasing the bottom and sides with butter or use vegetable spray. This will allow the fudge to release well after it has set. Parchment paper lining may also be used. Place chocolate chips is glass bowl and heat in microwave, stirring at 30 second intervals until melted. While chocolate is hot from microwave mix in 1 jar marshmallow whip. Mix in add-ins of your choice (nuts, chocolate chips, crushed mints, etc.) When fudge had been mixed well, spread mixture into the prepared pan. Let sit for several hours to cool and “set up” or harden. Remove from pan. Cut and serve or store in large tin.

Brownies. These are great and there are hundreds of recipes to try. For a brownie that turns out the same every time just use your favorite box mix. This saves time, money and heart-ache (when your $20 recipe turns out not to even be edible).

Pudding. To make a great instant pudding, next time try substituting chocolate milk for white milk. Then reduce the amount of milk by ¼ cup. Pudding will be extra chocolaty and creamy.

Buckeyes – A tasty candy that’s easy to make. Here’s a simple recipe:

1c. – peanut butter, creamy

1/2tsp – vanilla

1 box of confectioners sugar

1 12 0z bag- semi-sweet chocolate chips

In mixing bowl add peanut butter and vanilla, mix thoroughly. Mix in enough powdered sugar (confectioners sugar) to form peanut butter into a large ball. Sit aside. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Form large ball of peanut butter into individual bite size balls by taking a teaspoon of mix and rolling it between your hands. Place balls on cookie sheet.

Melt chocolate chips in microwave. Do this at 30 second intervals so not to burn the chocolate. You may also add in 1 tsp. Vegetable oil to make them have a shine. Not necessary. When chocolate is melted and ready to use take one peanut butter ball on a toothpick or fork and while holding it over the melted chocolate use a spoon to drip or pour chocolate over peanut butter ball to cover. Place dipped ball on cookie sheet to cool and harden. Repeat with all individual balls. Once cool and hardened place buckeyes into a tin to store. Although these will not last long once taste buds are activated.

Note: You can sprinkle buckeyes with chopped nuts, coconut, or sprinkles while the chocolate is still wet if desired. This makes them prettier.

Make you favorite dessert to share with others this year for the holidays and enjoy!

Karla News

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