Categories: AUTOMOTIVE

10 Ways to Go Green at the Grocery Store

Eco friendly grocery shopping is just one of the latest trends in our going green lifestyles. Here are some easy ways to making the weekly trip to the grocery store an eco friendly part of your green lifestyle!

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #1: Room Temperature Foods

Room temperature foods do not have to stored in the fridge or the freezer, which always makes this an eco friendly option. They require no energy to keep them ready for your use.

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #2: Walk to the Store

Ok, so this one is such a great idea. I am always surprised more people do not try this option when they can. You can burn a few calories, save the environment, and look great.

If you do not live within walking distance of the grocery store, then try car pooling or riding your bike!

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #3: Shop Farmer’s Markets or Coops

Local farmers markets support your local farmers. You are rewarding individuals who do not have to truck their produce across the country, all the while emitting CO2.

Most farmer’s markets are open air as well, so they are using a ton less energy than the grocery store.

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #4: Go Fabric

If there is only one thing you do, then try #4. Quit using those plastic bags!!! Use a book bag, make your own fabric grocery bag, or buy one online. This is an easy and affordable option to get those plastic bags out of circulation.

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #5: Buy Organic

Organic vegetables are grown without all the pesticides that mass production farms use. These vegetables are safe to eat, have better flavor, and are less harmful on the environment. Think of all the necessary bugs lives you are saving!

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #6: Avoid Plastic

So, you avoided the plastic shopping bags, but what about all those plastic jugs and containers foods come in. Opt instead for metal or glass. The production of plastic emits PVC into the environment at a much higher level than glass production or metal production.

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #7: Return Plastic Bags

Ok, so you did no t avoid those plastic bags. The very least you can do is hang your head in shame and walk those bags right back to the store the next time you are shopping. Almost every grocery store has a place to recycle the plastic bags now.

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #8: Shop In Off Hours

Shopping in non peak hours is a great option if you do drive to the grocery store, especially in the summer heat. Less cars are on the road, so your car will not be adding to an already bad peak time of CO2 emissions.

You will also not e adding to the body heat inside the store, which require the AC to work harder! Even one body and eon car makes a difference!

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #9: Skip a Trip

One of the easiest ways to go green at the grocery store is to skip a trip. Just think, if you doubled up on your groceries you could cut the number of times you have to crank that car up, drive to the store, and so forth! Plus it will help with keeping that fridge stocked as well!

Eco Friendly Grocery Store Idea #10: Keep That Fridge Stocked

Keeping your fridge well stocked with groceries is a great ay to use less energy. A fully stocked fridge takes less energy to maintain a safe temperature and that’s a fact folks!


Karla News

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