Categories: Marketing

10 Fundraisers Every College Group Should Try

1. This website specifically helps college groups raise money. We have raised over $1000 through them. They have several fund-raisers that all always free to do, including an online survey fund-raiser, magazines,, spring break traveling, and a textbook fund-raiser. It never costs you a penny so I strongly recommend them.

2. Benefit concert: People have friends in bands. Use them! Ask a band or several bands to bring their equipment and help raise money either for your group or for a cause. See if the band will play for free too. This is fund and can bring different crowds to your group.

3. Shuttle service: This has been quite successful. We do this around Spring Break and finals, when people need to get to the bus station or airport. We charge half of what we know the taxis charge and drive people ourselves. If a certain member ends up driving a lot, they can take a little bit of the profits to help pay for gas. Gets your name out there in a non-party but very helpful fashion.

4.Auction: Be sell outs! Well, what I mean is sell your members as dates, or a maid, or a chauffeur etc. This can be entertaining, fun, and lucrative.

5.Services to teachers: No not like that! A lot of teachers need errands done for them, like shoveling a driveway, or babysitting their kids. Some teachers will be willing to pay for it, especially if its a student they know and hopefully love.

6. Bottles and Cans: One thing I know about a college campus is people drink a lot of canned beer. Take advantage of it by going out in groups and raiding dorms taking empty cans. Or ask fellow frats to have a ” recycle” bucket and then just pick it up. Money AND good for the environment. Bonus.

7. Candy: Go to BJs or Costco and sell candy. People love candy. Period. On the subject of food…

8. Bake sale: Although this can sometimes be time consuming, you can also cook in bulk. Just make sure your members don’t eat everything without paying for it.

9. Car Wash: The classic. If you don’t have a large area to do it, try asking one of the administrative buildings that does ( especially if it is against a major road). Our buildings and ground’s building has been very kind to let us use their water and driveway to do this several times. Plus its an excuse to have soapy water fights

10. T-shirts/sweatshirts: There are several websites that allow you to design your own apparel and if your members buy it, a portion of the money goes back to the group. This is especially cool if it is alumni that buy it. Advertising for your group ( you wearing the shirt) + money for your group= awesomeness

BONUS: For those that are skilled with hands, knitting! We have actually made over $200 dollars just knitting/crocheting scarves in the groups colors. Sell them to alumni. Even better if someone is willing to donate yarn. Make them in several colors so people other than alumni can buy them too. If you are feeling frisky, make matching hats and mittens for more profit!

Good luck on your fund-raising endeavors!

Karla News

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