Categories: Decorating & Design

Woven Jute Area Rug Project

Area rugs are so expensive. I am always looking for great looking affordable options to either make my own rugs or dress up existing rugs. This woven Jute area rug is beautiful, durable, and best off all looks a lot more expensive than it really is. You can make this Jute area rug with out sewing, which makes it an easy project anyone can do.

You can buy Jute fabric at almost any fabric store. Generally it will cost you about $8 a yard. This project can be made with as little as 3 yards and as much as 4 yards, depending on what size you make!

To Make a Woven Jute Area Rug You Will Need:

Jute fabric
Hot glue
Accent Fabric
Tape Measure

The first step is to decide how big you want your Jute area rug to be. This fabric will work well on up to an 8X10′ foot rug.

Cut your fabric strips into 4″ wide pieces. If you are making an 8X10′ rug, you will want to cut your pieces exactly 8′ and 10′ feet long. If you want to you could cut your strips a few inches longer and trim then down once you have completed the project.

You will need 24 strips for 8′ side. You will need 30 strips for 10′ side.

Lay the 24 strips for the 8 foot side of the jute rug out lengthwise next to each other. I like to tape the ends down with one ling piece of duct tape to hold them into place. Just tape them down to the floor or your work surface.

Now, start at the very end of one side of these jute strips. Weave your 10 foot strip thought the existing strips. Continue this process. You want to alternate weaving over and under with each new strip of jute.

As you get to the end of teach 10 foot strip use your hot glue gun to glue the end down.

You may find that as you near the middle you need to use occasional dots of glue to keep the strips in place.

Continue this process of weaving until you have finished the 8X10′ area rug.

Once you have finished you can trim up the edges to make your sides even. Don’t worry about fraying because you will be covering theses edges.

Now, you can add a finished detail around the edges for some color and fun.

Cut a 4″ wide strip of accent fabric. You will need two 8 foot pieces and 2 10 foot pieces. Add 2 to 3″ onto the length of each of these strips. This is very important for the finished details of this project.

I like to use a heavy fabric for this accent. Colored canvas is wonderful. You could also use heavy grade upholstery fabric.

Fold each side of the accent fabric in one inch. Do this on both sides. This will turn your 4 inch wide strip into a 2 inch strip. Iron these folds down to hold them in place.

Now, fold the entire strip in making it a 1 inch strip. Iron this down as well.

Insert this fabric over the edge of you area rug. This will cover your rough edges and provide accent fabric on each side of the rug. You can glue this on with hot glue.

Repeat this process of the remaining three sides of the rug.

When you get to a corner tuck the end of the one inch trip in the hide the edges. Fold it in at a 90 degree agile. This will create a mitered look at each corner, which is very clean and neat looking.

Now your affordable area rug is complete. It is reversible, durable, and cost you well less than $50!


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