Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Witchcraft and Money Spells

I, yours truly, am here to discuss witchcraft and money spells. Yes, I, yours truly, have practiced white magic and black magic in my days, and whether or not you believe in magic is not my problem.

I am here to say though that many spells I have come across on the internet work, and many don’t work. Probability of a spell you find in the internet is a 10% chance of it truly working. The rest of the spells you find is nothing more than mumbo jumbo made up by an ill informed teenager.

However I am not here to discuss how to do money spells, or any spells for that matter. I’m here to discuss the danger surrounding one spell in particular. Money spells.

I know, you wanted a money spell didn’t you?That’s probably why you stopped in right? Well boo-hoo, I know, I suck.

But before you pass judgment on me, and tell me that I suck for not sharing my ‘spells’ I think you should read on, and learn about why doing money spells always have nothing but negative effects.

You’re still reading? So this tells me that odds are you have already dabbled on the net, and possibly even read books about different money spells you can cast. Money growing boxes, money trees, money, money… gimme some. Hahah. Odds are that you will find them, and easily. Some spells will be easy to cast, and others require a bit of knowledge in the craft. Again though, I’m not here to discuss moon phases, and ingredients one needs to use in order to attract money to them.

If you do fall in the category of those looking for money spells, stop now! Money spells will in fact bring money if you preform them correctly…but let me say this…is the money worth the death of a loved on? Is it?

All to many times I have had my ill informed friends asking me to preform money spells for them. Spells to make them rich. Now why on earth would they think I have this power to grant them this magical money? And if they thought this craft was so simple, why have they never stepped back and wondered, ‘how come she has no money?’ Well could it be that money spells are the last spells on earth I would ever find myself preforming? Yeah, it could be.

The fact of the matter is, those that have preformed money spells usually end up with a hefty inheritance shortly afterward. Then they live with the guilt of wondering if perhaps their spell caused the inheritance. Maybe? Maybe not? Either way, the guilt kills, and living with guilt is not healthy at all.

My sister right now still wonders if her thoughts of doing a money spell caused the death of her father in law recently. She called me on the phone 48 hours earlier to tell me she found a money spell on the internet off of a white magic website. I warned her not to do it, but she was adamant in saying it was ‘white magic’. Honestly I don’t care what magic direction money spells are geared at, white or black… no money spell is a good money spell.

Her ‘spell’ consisted of basic simple ingredients, the money plant, some coins and water. She however never did the spell, yet 48 hours later her husbands dad dies. Coincidence?Most likely. Does she feel guilty, or slightly responsible? You bet.

So there is my warning.

Money spells bring nothing more than heartache and pain. You want quick get rich plans? Too bad, there are none. Money consists of hard work; nothing more. Doing magic to get money is not worth the possible loss of life. If the thought of doing a spell for money has crossed your mind…cross it out.

Karla News

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