Categories: Education

Why You Should Go to College Online

I am a 30-something year old who recently decided that it was time to get a higher education. I weighed the options between going to a traditional college and sitting in a classroom with mostly people younger than me or by staying home and being an on-line student without the pressures of traditional schooling. I found that on-line was the right choice for me , and here’s why.

Although there are cons to going to school on-line (like unaccredited schools that trick people into worthless degrees), let’s start with the good news: the pros to doing the on-line thing are plenty! To start with all you really need is a computer and an Internet connection.

Set Your Own Hours

For the most part, with on-line college you do school on your own time. The school I attend has weekly seminars for each class that you can either attend or do a paper for if you are unavailable for that particular time on that particular day. It’s the same day and time each week for that certain class, so it’s easy to schedule around it and when you sign up for the classes they usually give you at least two day and time choices for your seminar. The second big “assignment” is the discussion board, where you post answers to that units questions and then reply to fellow students posts with positive feedback on their assignment. You only have to post three days, and just your original post and then replies to at least two fellow students. The assignments that take the most time are Projects, which very from class to class. So far I have only had about three exams (out of four classes).

The key to going to college on-line is time management. It is your responsibility to make sure you get your work done and in when it is due. You have to set aside time from your kids, life and work to do school.

No Classroom Equals No Driving

Going to school on-line kills two birds with one stone. First of all, you don’t have to sit in a classroom with a whole bunch of other students vying for the teachers attention. And second, you don’t have to drive anywhere, you attend right from the comfort of your own home.

With gas prices getting higher and higher, every day it seems, who doesn’t want some more stay at home time while saving some money. And if you are like me and going to school so you can leave the unemployed world behind, you may not have any money to put in the gas tank in the first place. Just sign in, enter the on-line classroom, keep in good communication with you teacher and classmates and zip through your chosen degree with ease, and no driving.

Age Doesn’t Matter

For us older folks going to a classroom full of teenagers just doesn’t sound very fun, it just makes us feel older. When going to school on-line you don’t see people as younger or older, mostly because you don’t see them at all. It’s just a bunch of equals looking to better there lives (and you don’t get stuck in that college party scene either).

Get a Better Career and A Better Life

With America’s economy falling down a steep slope there is no better time than now to better your education. A college degree can only help you to find a better career and get a better paycheck.

When it is the right time for you to go to college make sure to research your degree choice, career choice and what school you’d like to attend- and, of course, how you’d like to attend it!


Karla News

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