Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Why Online Panhandling Aggravates Me and What My Solutions Are


I was searching the internet today, struggling to find a unique topic to write about and I came across a website called Begslist. I was intrigued and aggravated at the same time so I went to the site to see what it was all about. I soon discovered it was nothing more than an online panhandling website. I was shocked since I never realized this type of panhandling existed. I am use to the drunks and homeless people on the street corners holding signs. So I decided to do more research on this online panhandling and found I was quickly irritated and came up with my own solutions to curb panhandling of any kind.

Online panhandling, or cyber begging as it is also known, is begging for money by telling tales of hardship online. With sites like Begslist, people can sign up for free and beg for money and people who are crazy enough can send money to them via PayPal. I have such a huge problem with this website or any others like it. There are so many resources in each state for people who truly need the help such as welfare, unemployment and oh yeah, get a JOB!

Anyways, I was going through the listings on Begslist and came across an ad where this couple had two young children. They were living with the wife’s mother because the husband recently lost his job and they also lost their home. They were asking for money for food, bills, clothes and Birthday gifts for the kids. First of all, kids don’t need presents. When you don’t have the money, there are things you can do as a family for free such as a trip to the park. If you are creative, you can make them a nice present. Don’t beg for gifts. That just irritates the heck out of me. I also wondered why the husband wasn’t receiving unemployment. Where either of them looking for a job? Have they applied for welfare, food stamps, housing assistance or have they gone to food pantries for food. As someone who use to be homeless, panhandling pisses me off. I never panhandled. I used the resources that were available to me.

The website, Begslist, has a general category and they also have categories for specific needs such as bills, rent, food and school expenses. I have solutions for most of these and none of them involve panhandling of any kind.

If people need help with bills such as electric, they can go to their town or city welfare office. They usually help with rental assistance and bills. There is also Community Action which is available in most areas where they help with Fuel and Electric Assistance. If people need food, many churches have food pantries where they can go and get food. People don’t have to be members of the church to get help. Also, each state has a welfare department that assists with food stamps, cash assistance and medical help, if needed. There are many resources available.

If you need help finding any resources, just dial 211 in any state and you can ask for whatever help you need and the operator will give you a list of resources.

Karla News

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