Categories: Music

Why Hasn’t Akon Been Arrested for Bigamy?

The superstar singer Akon had a 2005 hit called, “Locked Up” in which he sang about not being let out of prison. Well it appears that life may soon imitate art for the 25 year old Grammy Award nominated Hip -Hop and R & B singer that has lately brought the world hits like “Smack That” and “I Wanna Love You.” Akon may soon be in trouble with the police again because he doesn’t have what many would consider a mainstream family life.

At the end of November it was announced that Akon would be coming out with a reality show. A reality show that stars a celebrity….shocking right? Well Akon’s show is unlike any “celebreality show.” Akon’s show focuses on his family life, and therein lies the ratings twist. Akon, a Muslim and a native of the African country, Senegal, is a practicing polygamist.

Akon follows in his father’s foot steps; his father, Mor Thiam, is a drummer. The singer seems to have followed his father’s polygamist lifestyle as well. Akon claims his father has severel wives and that polygamy is common in Senegalese society.

Though this series is likely to break ratings records, and will undoubtely give the celebrity worshiping media a reason to catapult Akon to a higher level of superstardom airing this show opens Akon to major character attacks. Akon could potentially lose fans that disagree with his polygamist lifestyle. However, the possibility of facing a jail sentence is a most serious and real threat. Bigamy or the criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to anothet is a crime punishable by a fine or up to ten years imprisonment depending on the state.

What I don’t get is why Akon isn’t already being arrested? His confession to having three wives was broadcased on Angie Martinez’s New York Hot 97 radio show on October 4, 2006. Though I think there are more serious crimes being committed throughout the U.S. no one can argue that Bigmay is not a crime–and if someone confesses to a crime they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If tried for bigamy I don’t think Akon could ever successfully argue his innocence, not when proof of his crime could be repeatedly shown to a judge and jury. What has yet to be seen is how authorities will react to watching a celebrity break the law on television for all the world to see.


Karla News

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