Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

What to Expect After a C-Section Birth

Many women give birth via C-section. Some first time mothers have no idea what to expect when preparing for this surgery. For me, it was one of the scariest times that I have ever gone through. Up until that moment of giving birth I had never had surgery. I remember them preparing me and taking me back to the operating room. Along the way I cried. I wanted to do this article in hopes of helping first time mothers prepare for a C-section birth.

The first step that you need to do is to realize that this is a surgery. Learn what you can about a C-Section by talking to your doctor and reading about it. Also understand that this surgery will cause some major soreness afterwards. Trust me you will not forget it because your aching abdomen will remind you. It is important that after surgery you take it easy and get rest. Try and not overdo it as this might pull your stitches apart or staples.

There will be discomfort and you will probably receive pain medication. Check and make sure you will still be able to nurse your child after taking medications. You might have to use formula until the pain medications are out of your system. Check with your doctor about these potential set backs before surgery. Also with the soreness that you will experience, you will need to ask about ways that will be comfortable to breastfeed. Usually lying on your side will make it easier to breast feed, or placing a pillow by your side and holding the baby in a football hold is another way to breastfeed your baby comfortably.

About 8 hours after the delivery you will be expected to walk around. This helps to prevent blood clots as well as help with any of the anesthesia that might have been used during surgery. Expect to feel tired and drained. You probably won’t even be able to stand up straight or walk far at all, but some walking, no matter how little at first, is the first step to getting back into shape.

It is important that you take care of yourself. Simple things like walking, getting out of bed, or going to the bathroom will be a bit difficult. Make sure that you have someone there to help you. Do not try and do everything yourself because this will just run you down with exhaustion. Be aware of feeling feverish and keep a check on your incision. Make sure there is no redness around your incision and if so this might be a sign of an infection. If this occurs see your doctor.

Having a baby can be exciting, exhausting, and scary all at the same time. If you combine that with a C-Section it can make being a first time mom difficult. Understand that this soreness and discomfort will go away in time. It is important to rest and take care of yourself in order to gain a full recovery.

Karla News

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