Categories: TECHNOLOGY

What is Runes of Magic Best Class?

Some of you may ask what is the Runes of Magics best class? Well I will tell you right now that there is no best class because you can have dual classes. But I meant which are the two runes of magics best class? Well like I said before I have play tested all classes fairly well, and it all depends on your play style. If you like casting powerful Area of Effect spells then I would suggest Mage, Priest build. In the next few sections I will shed some light on some of the popular class combos as there are no Runes of Magic best class.

Runes of Magic best class Mage Priest build. Why should I choose this build? Well it is one of the easiest builds to play with and yet pretty effective as you one hit a lot of creatures until like level 30. This was my first class combo, I loved casting spells, and killing creatures was so fun seeing high damage. However, it does usually take few seconds to cast spells because I chose the fire Mage Priest build instead of wind Mage Priest build. What is the difference? Well one casts faster spells and the other cast slower but more damaging spells. Which is why there are no Runes of Magic best class, because it is pretty well balanced. The next section of Runes of Magic best class is the Knight Priest Build.

The Runes of Magic best class Knight Priest build. So you maybe wondering what is so special about this class? Well later on in the game You will have so much HP and Def that most creatures could not kill you if there life depended on it. Now some of you might be thinking this is the Runes of Magic best class. Well it is not as it can not cause either fast or high damage so this class either has to be geared insanely good or it will more then likely lose in player versus player. Why would some choose this class is because they almost never have to worry about getting killed later on by most creatures. This is my second favorite build for the Runes of Magic best class article.

The Runes of Magic best class Knight Scout build. This is tied for first place along with the Mage Priest combo. Now what makes this class good? Well it has good survivability mixed with very good damage per second. No this is not the Runes of Magic best class either like I said earlier there is no best class. Reason why this ranks so high up there is this class requires more practice and skill in player versus environment as you should be running while using your bow to do as much damage as possible before they reach as you can move while shooting. This class combo can be really good if you practice a lot with it, but it still is not the Runes of Magic best class.

My final conclusion is that there are no Runes of Magic best class because if you do not enjoy the class combo you play you will suffer for it in game as you will get bored quicker. There are however class combos that are more well off then others but that does not mean there is a Runes of Magic best class. I hope you enjoyed reading the Runes of Magic best class article and have a nice day.


Karla News

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