Categories: Books

What is Lucid Dreaming and How Do I Do It?

Lucid dreaming means dreaming while you know you are dreaming. The term was coined by Frederick van Eeden. This is all that is needed to define lucid dreaming. However, the quality of lucidity in lucid dreaming can greatly vary.

Lucid dreaming happens when an event in a dream triggers the dreamer to realize that the event is not really taking places. Such events can be flying or meeting with people who are deceased. At times, a dream does not need a trigger and will simply realize that he is dreaming.

A minority of lucid dreaming is caused by returning to REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep where dreams occur from being in a brief awakened state.

Having a lucid dream does not mean that the dreamer can control the content of the dream. However, lucidity can be a factor in a dreamer being able to control his dreams.

Lucid dreaming and dream control is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Once a dreamer knows he is dreaming and can control his dream, he can do anything. This allows the dreamer to go on adventures wherever he pleases and however he wants. Does he want to fly? It’ll happen. Does he want to swim? It’ll happen. Does he want to take a ultra super-sonic bus? It’ll happen.

Another reason is problem solving. If the dreamer is stuck in trying to solve a problem, be it some simple riddle or a bigger real life problem, lucid dreaming may be able to provide the answer. A dreamer can try a variety of different options in lucid dreaming and not have to worry about the outcome. If anything dangerous were to happen, it’s a dream. Nothing dangerous is really going to happen.

Yet another reason is that a dreamer can overcome nightmares. Once a dreamer is in a lucid dream and can control a dream, a nightmare is no longer going to happen unless the dreamer so chooses. Is the dreamer afraid of a fire-breathing dragon? Maybe he’ll dream that he’s a brave knight and slays the dragon. Maybe he’ll dream that the dragon is really a friendly creature and just wanted a friend. Maybe he’ll dream that he can tame the dragon and make into a pet.

The unreasonable fear, be it real or fake, can be conquered this way. Facing up to a fear is what is going to ease it. Lucid dreaming provides this opportunity.

Anybody can lucid dream and have dream control. There is a high learning curve and plenty of things to try and to learn.

Here are some important things to do if you want to be able to lucid dream.

Practice dream recall. Do a reality test. Imagine your surroundings are a dream. Visualize yourself enjoying a dream activity. Take naps.

To learn more about lucid dreaming, dream control, and dream recall visit


Karla News

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