Categories: AUTOMOTIVE

What is a Short Throw Shifter, and Can it Damage Your Car?

Those who enjoy driving a manual car have likely heard of a device known as a “short throw shifter”. However, while many may have heard of the device, too few are aware of how it actually works and what it does. Perhaps because of this knowledge, many rumors exist as to the damaging nature of the short throw, and how it accomplishes it goal. But, if we take the time to learn a little bit about the short throw system, how it works, and how it is installed, perhaps we can begin to dispel some of the rumors that have grown so common around it.

Perhaps the first, and most important, element to consider here is how the short throw shifter actually works, and why people install them in the first place. In a manual car, the distance between gears (or how far you have to move the shifter to get to the next gear) is known as a “throw”. So, a short throw shifter is designed to decrease the time that one spends going between the gears, and allow one to hit the next gear faster and more accurately. Herein lies the other intended purpose of the short throw shifter is to improve the overall feel of shifting, making the shifts seem more balanced and the feel “tighter” overall.

So, with these goals in mind, another great question is how the part actually accomplishes them. While it may seem overly simple, the shifter that came on your car from the factory is likely not optimized for shifting speed. Factory shifters have other goals in mind, such as drivability and overall comfort, and likely the stick is not set up for fast shifts. So, a short throw shifter is just a geometrically improved version of your older shifter. How is it geometrically improved? Well, in addition to the actual stick being slightly shorter, the entire shifter is straighter, and the angle has been reduced, and the position of the bolt has been changed, meaning that the balance is now altered, and the distance between the gears has been reduced in the simplest way possible.

Unlike many believe, the short throw shifter changes virtually nothing about the car. It involves no modifications to the transmission, and takes about ten minutes to install. Another common myth is that one it is put in place, the short throw shifter cannot be removed. While this is a baffling myth to begin with, it simply is not true, the entire process can reversed in the same amount of time it took to install it in the first place.

The two greater questions, here, though, are if it actually does what it claims to do, and if the short throw shifter can cause any long term damage to your vehicle. In regards to the first question, yes, the shifting length is reduced, although the actual length depends greatly on the car and the brand of shifter you are replacing it with. Remember that buying a shifter is like buying any other car part, you get what you pay for. Make sure to do your research and figure out what brand is best to buy for your car.

However, while the first question can be answered rather easily, it is the second question which has inspired most of the rumors and myths that surround the product. However, the answer is that same old medium: the part doesn’t damage, but the driver does. What this means is that often a short throw shifter is used an excuse to slam the car through the gears and rip it out at the redline. Over time, this type of driving is going to destroy the transmission of any vehicle, no matter what type of shifter is on it. Also, during the initial period when one becomes used to the changing of the shifting patterns, it is easy to grind gears or miss shifts or until you get used to it. However, after the learning period, if one operates their car in a normal manner, there is no way for the short shifter to damage your car or your transmission. Just remember that a short shift does not give a driver the ability to abuse their car, and there will be no problems with the transmission, engine, or shifter itself. Also, make sure to use a high quality shifter to achieve the desired result, and take the time to install it properly, one definitely does not want the shifter popping out during driving.

If one separates the fact from the rumors, there is no reason not to enjoy the fun that comes with owning and using a short throw shifter in your vehicle. However, remember that a short throw shifter is just like any other modification to your vehicle, and should be done with care and respect. Take the time, do the research, and make sure that your product is installed properly, and always remember to treat your car properly, and you will find that a short throw shifter can make driving your manual car a very enjoyable experience, and one that is definitely worth the generally low prices of the units.

Karla News

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