Categories: Nonprofit Information

Volunteer “Adoption” Opportunities in Arlington, Virginia

When you volunteer, you can really make a difference in the life of another person. Perhaps an older adult. A young child. Someone in the hospital. An entire household. A lifetime of good works can change your own life as well. And, there’s no better place to volunteer than in the National Capital Region where opportunities abound for those who are willing to spend some time in service to others. Whether donating an hour at your local library to help retirees or recent immigrants file their tax returns or committing a year to tutor a struggling student, your time and efforts can really add up to make a big difference.

“Adoption” may also be a good option for anyone wanting to serve in their local community. No, I don’t mean taking a child into your home, but that may be an excellent choice for some. Rather, I mean adopting a senior, a family, a shelter, or even an entire street.

Ready to give adoption a try? Check out these great Volunteer “Adoption” Opportunities in Arlington, Virginia. Sure to make a difference – and someone’s day – in Northern Virginia and beyond.

Adopt A Senior
Cherrydale Health and Rehabilitation Center
3710 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207-3796
Telephone: Volunteer Coordinator @ (703) 243-7640

Cherrydale Health and Rehabilitation Center seeks volunteers to spend quality time with residents. Here’s one place to volunteer where you can really make a difference in an older adult’s life and your own. Plus , it’s easy to get there, with parking on site and convenient to bus and rail. Staff are friendly and welcoming. Orientations are held on the last Wednesdays of each month. Hours are flexible. Residents at Cherrydale include the elderly, sick and infirmed. Several schools in the neighborhood visit Cherrydale on a regular basis, given the strong need for caring and concerned volunteers to interact with residents. If you have what it takes to make someone’s day, call Cherrydale today and find out more.

Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless
3103 9th Road North
Arlington, VA 22201
Telephone: Volunteer Coordinator @ (703) 525-7177

Looking to make a strong volunteer commitment in Arlington, Virginia? Check out the Adopt-A-Family Program that’s sponsored by the Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless. Individuals and groups are welcome to participate in commitments spanning six to twenty-four months at a time. Volunteers and groups connect with the family and help out on many levels. Some families need help with furnishing their apartments. Some need help understanding the local transportation system, schools and health care. Some need help with getting their GED. Others need help putting together a resume or application for a job. Volunteers work with case managers to provide appropriate and much-needed care and support during times of crisis or transition.

Arlington County Department of Environmental Services (DES )
4300 29th St. South
Arlington, VA 22206
Telephone: (703) 228-6486

Here’s a great volunteer opportunity for individuals and groups to help keep their community clean. Volunteer commitments are made for a period of one year with volunteer duties required once each quarter. Individuals or groups “adopt” whole streets or sections, pledging to keep area free of trash and debris, for a commitment of 1 year with duties performed on a quarterly basis. Arlington County’s Solid Waste Bureau provides street cleaning supplies and clean up services as needed.

Volunteer Match

Corporation for National and Community Service

Greater DC Cares

One Brick

Volunteers of America

Operation Gratitude
Sending Care Packages to US Military


Karla News

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