Categories: History

U.S. History: The Role of Women During the Civil War

During the tumultuous years of the Civil War, women who did not have a right to vote, own property and had few civic liberties of their own, unified in support of the war efforts. Women who had not worked a day in their lives, with grit and determination hid their identity and took up arms of their own, cared for sick and dying soldiers, risked their lives to gather information, cooked, cleaned and care for children. The tenacity and love with which these women served their country was astounding, and yet often overlooked.

Although women were not allowed to serve in the army, that did not stop some women from disguising themselves as men and taking up arms. Women would create masculine names and hide their identity from officials. We do not know how many women served because they did so secretly. On occasion, their sex was revealed. Mary Owens, after being shot in the armed, was discovered to be female. Upon returning home, despite her sex, she was received warmly. Both the Union and Confederate army refused to acknowledge that women had served.

During wartime, women who were not fighting also played very important roles. When battle began, both armies were unprepared for the wounded. Women with no medical training would rush out to the front lines to help injured soldiers. Within two months, it was decided that Dorothea Dix would be appointed Superintendent of Nurses.

Ms. Dix had high standards for women wishing to serve as nurses. Women were to be over the age of thirty, plain looking, wear service dresses, and be interviewed by her personally. These nurses worked strenuously 12 hour shifts sometimes attending to forty patients at a time. Many nurses literally worked themselves to death. A good chronicle of the life of a nurse is Louisa May Alcott’s “Hospital Sketches.”

Some women chose to nurse independent of Ms. Dix. One such woman was Clara Carton who would later be credited as founder of the American Red Cross. To help assist in the war efforts she would collect and distribute necessities to the soldiers.

Another common job for a woman during the civil war was to become a spy. Since legally they could not serve on the battlefield, some woman anxious to help the war efforts would engage in espionage. One famous spy during that time was Mrs. Rose O’Neal Greenhow. Since she socialized in political circles she was able to gather and pass along information.

Being a spy was a very dangerous contribution to the war effort. If discovered you could be killed or disowned.

Another job a woman could serve in was being part of the Womens Central Relief Association. This relief organization would gather and distribute items to the battlefield. Women would make uniforms, blankets and bandages, were responsible for keeping inventory, passing out items, and sending thank yous and requests for more supplies.

In addition to the above duties, women took it upon themselves to raise money to support this organization. Soon hospitals, kitchens and transportation were being set up and operated by these ladies.

A Vivandiere was another job a woman could legally do. These women usually followed their husbands or brothers into service and would serve as personal nurses to them if they were to sustain injury. In the camps, they took it upon themselves to clean, feed, and tend to camp while the men were off fighting.

Other jobs women did during the war were writing and printing wartime pamphlets, taking over positions for their husbands to support their families, teaching, and raising their families in political unrest.

Women served patriotically in the wartime effort sometimes receiving little or no praise. Many women died tending to wounds, distributing tools and fighting in their own right. The contribution of women during the American Civil War made an enormous impact.

Karla News

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