Categories: Parenting

Twin Bed Vs. Toddler Bed: Which Will Work Best for Your Child?

One big step all toddlers must take is the one from the crib, into a bed. Some babies do best when switching from a crib to a toddler bed, but other babies are fine going straight into a twin or full size bed. In this article I will outline some of the benefits of switching to a toddler bed, and some benefits of switching straight to a twin bed.

One benefit of switching to a toddler bed, is that it is the same size as the crib. Your child will still be able to sleep with the same bedding he is used to. He won’t feel like his bed is entirely too big for him. His mattress will still be the same, and he will probably feel like a toddler bed is more familiar than a twin size bed would be.

Another benefit of a toddler bed is that they are generally lower than a twin size bed. They make it easier for a child to get into and out of. And if your child rolls off the bed, it’s not so far, to fall. The bed rails that come on a toddler bed help prevent falls as well, but of course you can get those for a twin or full size bed as well.

A toddler bed won’t seem like it takes up such a big portion of your child’s bedroom, because it doesn’t. If your child is sleeping in a small room, the toddler bed will allow him to still have more room to play during the daytime.

There are definitely good points about going straight for the twin or full size bed as well, though. One good point is that a twin or full size bed will last him longer. A toddler bed is designed for children from about 1.5-3 or 4 years old. You will eventually need to transition your child into a twin or full size bed anyway. Some parents feel that it is easier to just skip the toddler bed entirely.

Another nice thing about switching straight to a bigger bed, is that a twin or full size bed will look more like Mommy and Daddy’s bed. This might make your child feel even more grown up. It will be easier to tell him about how big he is and how big boys sleep in big beds, etc, if he is going to be sleeping in a bed that is similar to the one that the grown ups in the house sleep in. He might be more willing to try it, too, because he knows that his parents enjoy sleeping in one.

One more thing that is nice about bigger beds, is that it might help your child more clearly define that he is a toddler now. If you make it into a big deal, and you go pick out new things for his new big boy room, including bedding, and maybe even new things for the walls, he will see it as a positive point. He may decide he doesn’t want to sleep in his crib anymore anyway, once he knows that he has all these new big boy things for the big bed.

No matter which bed you choose to switch to, make sure your child is ready for the transition. Talk to him before setting up a different bed and make sure he understands why. The crib offers security, but as long as you are careful, your toddler should feel just as secure in whichever kind of bed you choose.

Karla News

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