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Tulsa is the Disc Golf Mecca

Disc golf is alive and growing in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That’s right those small chain baskets you see in the middle of public parks actually have a use. No they’re not for cooking whole chickens on at a picnic, unbelievably that has happened. They are used for what some term, Frisbee golf, just don’t say that to regular seasoned disc golfers. To them the term is disc golf. You probably seen these intrepid golfers from time to time at the park, throwing round pieces of plastic into the baskets. Maybe they accidentally wiped out a cyclist while riding or a small poodle being walked. Either way you probably have come within eye distance of one of these sportsmen.

Frisbee golf as it was first designed started in the 1960’s and has grown today into a multi-million dollar industry with its own set of rules, regulations, pro players, tournaments and purses. According to the Disc Golf Association there are roughly 3000 disc golf courses across the United States.

So whats so attractive about disc golf you may be asking yourself? All they’re doing is throwing a piece of plastic into a basket. Let me first say don’t be so sure of yourself. Most disc weigh around an average of 168g – 175g. These pieces of plastic, thrown at extremely high speeds at a target sometimes more than 800ft away can cause an highly challenging day. Remember these are not the Frisbees you remember as a kid. The next large attraction for this sport is its relatively ease of cost. Once you purchase a few disc at average price of $6 – $20 you can start playing. The cost to play these courses…free. Try that next time you plop hundreds of dollars on a regular set of golf clubs, pay the green fees at your local golf course and spend a day in the heat.

In the Northeast region known as Green Country in the state of Oklahoma, sits an old oil town most may recognize as Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tulsa, no longer the Oil Capital of the World, nowadays is primarily a mix industry city with family focused activities, attractions and events. But rising through all that is something all together different. As strangely as it may sound, it looks like Tulsa, Oklahoma could be re-dubbed the Disc Golf Capital of the World. In the Tulsa area alone there are 16 disc golf courses. That’s right, you heard it here. There are 16 different courses in the Tulsa area. Ranging from a few small nine holes to professional quality 18 holes where even as of recently the PDGA World Amateur Championships were played. I would almost have to state this as unsubstantiated, but probably some of the most difficult courses in the United States reside here in Tulsa.

So what are you waiting for? Sixteen beautiful courses, free for anyone who is up to the challenge. Go out and purchase you some discs, grab your buddies and come to Tulsa for some of the best rounds of disc golf you have ever played. For those seasoned veterans, you think you have what it takes? We say “bring it”.

You can discover more about disc golf in Tulsa by visiting the PDGA website or the local Tulsa Disc Sports Association site as well.


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