Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Trying to Conceive -10 Things to Do During the Two Week Wait

Trying to conceive is a true test of patience. Funny how that lesson carries over into parenthood. This is a good time to evaluate and reflect as well as many more things! This time doesn’t have to be an anxious one. There are lots of things you can do to occupy yourself!

For some women it might take many months to get pregnant. Anyone who has been through knows it’s not just about the sex and the process can be very daunting and consuming at times. Especially during the two week period between ovulation and the time it will take to get a positive pregnancy test! Those two weeks seem to last forever for a lot of partners trying to conceive!

Here are a list of 10 things you can do while trying to get through the two week wait!

Start a Journal

Start a journal, blog or even a couples journal with your partner. Take turns writing in a journal together! You will be amazed how it will help connect you. It will also serve as a great memento down the road. You can go back and read all about the process of trying to conceive your baby.


Soon you will have little ones under foot. You can use this time to organize your living and work space. Also don’t forget the closets! You could also start making lists of things you will need for a new baby and things you will want to do. Like interviewing pediatricians and midwives.

Indulge Yourself

Indulge yourself! Get a massage. Visit a bistro. You could also go shopping or get a pedicure. Or do something simple like enjoy a bubble bath with aromatherapy candles. Or bake a to die for cake or other fattening desert. Get creative and above all pamper yourself!

Make a Time Capsule

Making a time capsule alone or with your partner could be a fun idea for those inclined. Put in a newspaper, a cd of your favorite music and other mementos such as letters.

Meditation & Prayer

Meditation and prayer can help ground you during this time. Take some time each day or when needed. This can help many women get in touch with their spirituality. You could also meditate and speak with your baby spirit if you are inclined to do so.


Exercising is ideal for keeping your body healthy. Go for a hike or take a yoga or belly dancing class. Starting good habits now will help your whole family live a healthy lifestyle. Don’t forget to look for pre natal classes for when you get your positive pregnancy test!

Plan an Outing

Go somewhere in your town, city or state you have been wanting to go to. Once you get pregnant and have kids these kinds of things tend to get pout on the back burner! Look in town’s your weekly paper for other fun ideas. Get dressed up and go out to dinner or visit a new restaurant, museum, etc.

Look for Support

Spend time with friends who inspire you or look for a group to join. You could always scope out potential parenting and mom groups as well.


Spend time doing something you love. You could make a scrapbook or start sewing a bay quilt. You could also take this time to learn a knew hobby! Take a knitting class, learn how to play an instrument or start a garden. Whatever you do find something you love and the time will fly by!

Get your Paperwork in Order

This is the important one and what better time than present to get your paper life in order? Create or update your will, power of attorney, living will, life insurance and other personal things of this nature. Now is a good time to think ahead.

Also, and most importantly, don’t forget to stock up on pregnancy tests during this time! You might also want to plan how you will celebrate your positive test when it comes! How will you break the news to your partner? Your family and friends? You could use this time to think up clever ways to present your news!

You could also buy a nice bottle of wine or some sushi in case you get a negative! Keep on trying and don’t despair. Just remember a lot of women have gone through many cycles before getting pregnant. The average time it takes a woman to get pregnant can vary from 6 months to a year or longer! Just remember not everyone is a fertile myrtle! The female body is amazing and life giving and you are bound to get pregnant soon! Hang in there and stay positive! Enjoy the process if you are able. It may even hurry things along for you!

Karla News

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