Treating Blisters with Aroma Therapy

Blisters hurt and are usually so tender to the touch not to mention that if a blister is not treated right it could leave a bad scar or worse, it could get very infected. Blister can pop up anywhere on the body. I very common spot is the foot because a new pair of shoes that are too tight can cause some very painful blisters on your feet.

The blister by definition is a collection of fluid under the top layer of skin called the epidermis. The three different types of blisters are the water blister, fever blister and blood blister. The water blister and blood blister can be caused by pinching, bruising or friction. The fever blister is caused by stress, sunburn and high fever which is where the name fever blister comes from.

The fever blister is also known by the common name cold sore which is also because usually when a person has a cold it is accompanied by fever which causes the blister to develop. The fever blister is a symptom of the herpes simplex virus which remains dormant in the system until it is affected by stress, high fever or sunburn.

No matter how you develop a blister the one thing that is for sure and that is that it needs to be treated. Below you will find some formulas that I have created and worked with over the past 20 years. They are very easy to make so choose a formula and try it for yourself. Choose a formula then mix the oils together very well and apply to the blisters two to three times a day but do not bust the blister.

Blister #1


1 drop Chamomile Essential Oil

1 drop Lavender Essential Oil

Blister #2


1 drop Lemon Essential Oil

1 drop Myrrh Essential Oil

Blister #3


1 drop Tagetes Essential Oil

1 drop Yarrow Essential Oil

Blister #4


1 drop Myrrh Essential Oil

1 drop Tagetes Essential Oil

Blister #5


1 drop Chamomile Essential Oil

1 drop Tagetes Essential Oil

Blister #6


1 drop Lavender Essential Oil

1 drop Yarrow Essential Oil

Blister #7


1 drop Lemon Essential Oil

1 drop Tagetes Essential Oil

Blister #8


1 drop Chamomile Essential Oil

1 drop Yarrow Essential Oil

**Note: These are formulas that I have created and worked with over the years. Be sure to wear gloves when working with essential oils in their pure state and they should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Test a small path of skin with a tiny bit of the formula to make sure that you do not experience an allergic reaction before you use it on a large area of skin. I have over 25 years of experience working with herbs and essential oils for natural healing. I am also a certified natural health consultant but No liability can be taken by me!**


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