Categories: TRAVEL

Top Ten Rides at Walt Disney World

Number 10!

The number 10 ride at Disney World is Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in the Magic Kingdom. It is a rickety roller coaster that is not too wild for the fearful, but exciting enough for a pro. Two sit to a seat as the train makes its way through the old mining town. It’s fun to ride in the daytime, but it is extra special to ride at night when the fireworks are exploding overhead.

Number 9!

Coming in at number 9 is also at the Magic Kingdom-The Haunted Mansion! I love, love, love this ride. As you enter the house, make sure you notice the cemetery and read the tomb stones to the left. As you enter the stretching room, you have to ask yourself, “Is the room going up or going down?” (I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you!) As you ride the doom buggies through the mansion, take in every detail. It is amazing. This is one you will want to ride over and over again. Another tip-ride it at night-it is creepier in the dark!

Number 8!

Found in Future World in Epcot is Soarin’, my number 8 choice. This is probably the most popular ride at Epcot, so make sure you get there early or get a fast pass, or you will be waiting a long time for this one. It is definitely worth the wait, no matter how long. You are seated in what appears to be a ferris wheel-Disney style of course-as it lifts you up and over the California landscape. It truly feels as if you are flying over the orange groves, especially since you can smell the oranges. The wind hits your face as you soar over the Golden Gate Bridge, and it is so exciting to fly over Sleeping Beauty’s castle in Disneyland when you are actually in Disneyworld!

Number 7!

Another Magic Kingdom addition-Pirates of the Caribbean. This is a classic, even with the recent addition of Captain Jack Sparrow and other characters from the popular movies. It is a journey by boat as you make your way through a pirate’s life. There’s even a slight drop which adds to the thrill. It is always a must do.

Number 6!

If you dinosaurs are extinct, you’re wrong. At least not in the Animal Kingdom. Dinosaur is my pick for number 6. This is one scary ride. As you board the jeep, you are told that you are on a journey back in time. Unfortunately, you go back further than anticipated and are greeted by one mean carnivore. More than once!
The dinosaur ( and his teeth) seem to be close enough to make a meal out of you. It is a jerky ride, but a lot of fun.

Number 5!

Leave it to Disney World to take tourists to their first trip to outer space. Mission Space, located in Epcot, does exactly this. This is one intense ride that I had to be coaxed to go on the first time. You enter with three others into a spaceship where you are all assigned a job. As the ship takes off and you watch the clouds float by, you believe you are really leaving earth. It is a very strange feeling, and if you are prone to motion sickness, I would skip this ride. But if you think you can do it, give it a try.

Number 4!

Splash Mountain, located in the Magic Kingdom, comes in at number 4. This is a log flume ride, but in pure Disney style. The ride is based on the Disney hit cartoon of years past, Song of the South. As my 6 year old niece observes, “It is like a movie on a ride.” Don’t miss this one, but you will get wet. The line can get long, so make sure you ride it early in the morning, or get a fast pass.

Number 3!

I am a little biased, because Aerosmith is my favorite band, but Rockin’ Roller Coaster in Disney Studios is in a well deserved third spot. This is probably Disney’s wildest roller coaster, blasting off in seconds to 60 mph. It has loops, lights, and of course, music by Aerosmith. Oh yeah, you ride it in the dark!

Number 2!

Expedition Everest in Animal Kingdom is Disney’s newest coaster, coming in at number 2. This ride is a blast! The first hill is a slow climb to one of the highest points in Disney. Make sure you take a moment to look around and enjoy the view. There are twists and turns and scary surprises at every bend, as you search the snow covered peaks in search of the famous yeti. Don’t worry, you’ll find him! We always ride this more than once.

Number 1!

The number one spot goes to Tower of Terror, located in Disney Studios. This is the best themed ride that Disney has to offer. As soon as you enter the gate, you are transported back into another era. The story goes that hotel guests entered the elevator, lightening hit, and they were never seen again . But if you look closely enough, you’ll see them. Just before you suddenly drop! This ride drops you, picks you up, drops you again-you don’t know if you are going up or down. As you exit, make sure you check out your ride photo. Another tip-there are two elevators to choose from. We always choose the one on the right; we think it is better than the left elevator.

Well, there you have it! The top ten rides in all of Disney World! In my opinion, of course…

Karla News

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