Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Your Female Friend

One of the hardest types of people to shop for when you’re a guy is your female friends. You aren’t their boyfriend so you don’t want to get them anything really special, but then again, they’re your friend and you’d like to get them something. In this article, there’re 10 gift ideas to give your female friend.

1. Designer Purse. Girls love purses, why not get them one they can go show off to all their friends and brag about it? There are many designer purses out there, such companies would be Gucci, Fendi, and Chloe. You can find any of these at your local mall or search on the web. They aren’t as expensive as you may think, there are always sales and a nice designer purse can be bought for around $30-$40.

2. MP3 Player. Does she have an mp3 player? Or if she does, does she want one that could hold more songs? New music is always coming out and everyone’s music library is getting larger and larger. The top 3 mp3 players to consider would be the Apple IPod, Creative Labs Zen, and the newcomer, the Microsoft Zune. Any of these are available in many hard disk options, ranging from 1gb-80gb. The cost of one of these can go from either $75-$600, depending on the size of the hard drive.

3. iDog. What is it you may ask? Well it’s a cute, fun, singing and dancing dog! It allows you to plug in your music player into it, and it will dance and play the music out of the built in speakers or through headphones. If you put it around a speaker, it will hear the music and move to it. It’s a great and cute gift that your female friend would love. The cost is about $30.

4. Cell Phone. Is her cell phone getting old and is she always complaining about it? Well, she’s probably in need of a new one. There are many cellular phones that you can get her but why not get her something cute. The new Motorola PEBL is a small, rounded, clam-shaped phone that every girl would enjoy. It has all the advantages from Motorola, features of the popular RAZR, but small and cute. The price for one is from $50-$100.

5. Season 10 of Friends. If she loves “Friends” and doesn’t have the latest season yet, then this is a must have for her. This hysterical comedy series is a beloved show among everyone, she will definitely appreciate this.

6. Scarf. It’s the winter season and everyone is striving to stay warm. I’ll bet she’ll really appreciate and a nice scarf that you hand picked out yourself. Think about what type of girl she is, does she like to wear large chunky scarves? Or traditional sized knitted scarves? What color does she like best? Those are some questions to keep in my mind when shopping for a scarf for her.

7. Personalized M&M; Candies. Want to get creative? Well, personalized M&M; Candies is a great way to show that you’ve put thought into the gift. At $46 a box, you can customize what you want it to say on the M&M; and it makes a great gift. It’ll definitely bring some laughter and appreciation from her.

8. Calendar. It’s the holidays, so that means a new year is coming up soon. She probably needs a new calendar for the new year. Think about what her interests are and get her a calendar based on that. There are many different kinds, picking the right one will get your gift hung up on her wall for the entire next year.

9. Candles. They always make a great gift for a girl no matter what the occasion is. It’s a very sweet gift that she can always enjoy. A favorite amongst girls are the fruit scented candles. They’ll smell the great fragrance of their candle while it’s lit and who’ll they think about every time? You, the one who purchased them for her.

10. Board Games. Does she love to play monopoly or trivial pursuit? Well, there are many new board game themes out there. What is her favorite show? Is she into pop culture? Many board games these days are based off a specific show or just pop culture in general. Again, consider her interests and base your decision off of that.

Karla News

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