Categories: Food & Wine

Top “Old Time” Favorite Candies

In light of the holiday seasons coming up we are reminded of years gone by and a treat from years gone and still today is ,candy.Everyone loves some form of candy whether it be a hard candy,chocolate,mints or caramels, it’s everywhere.Still around today are some favorites from years ago and no we may not have those “candy stores” where you could buy candy for a nickel or a dime but the taste you still find.

Atomic fireballs created in 1954 by The Ferrara Pan Candy Company,is still the same recipe as it was back then.You may have been considered to have a mouth of cast iron if you kept it in your mouth the whole time.Many kids would actually have contest to see who could go the longest holding the fiery cinnamon jawbreaker in their mouths.Today world wide an estimated 15 million fireballs are consumed each week.

In the 1950’s cigarettes were seen everywhere and slogans to match.Teaming up with the cigarette company this candy was actually aimed at younger smokers to give them the feeling that they were actually smoking and carrying around cigarettes when they weren’t. Since then the packing and the concept has changed,nowadays the candy is simply called ” candy sticks”.

French chew taffy,this taffy was designed to cool in your refrigerator to harden then smack on the counter to enjoy in bite size pieces.Appearing on the candy scene after World War 2 it became known as a ‘nickel’ bar a favorite among the economically minded because anyone could make it last for at least for a couple hours.

Root beer barrels,originally made by the IBC company has been a favorite for many over the years.This fun barrel shaped candy was found in many grandparents candy dishes or in the pockets of your favorite Uncles.Other companies have made their versions of the ‘root beer barrel’ but the flavor of the original it what takes people back with a smile on their face.

Chick O Stick,originally named ‘Chicken Bones’ created in 1938,this crunchy peanut butter and toasted coconut concoction became a alternate to the candy bar,especially during the hot summer months.It was sweet enough to satisfy any ‘candy fix’ and the plus was it didn’t melt like chocolate.The long sticks made it easy to share with a friend or enjoy all by yourself.

Caramel Creams or ‘Bulls Eyes’ were first introduced in 1918.People loved caramel as a sweet treat between meals.The caramel creams were a small version individually wrapped in a package similar to a gum wrapper making it easy for transport.By the 1950’s caramel creams really caught on because of it’s convenience.

Sugar Daddy,milk caramel suckers on a stick that really lasted a long time and was easy to eat,most generally.Invented in 1925 the Sugar Daddy actually had a different name ‘Papa Sucker’ and in 1932 the named changed to suggest it’s wealth of sweetness which is definitely what it is.

Now and Laters,individually wrapped flavored taffy squares became popular around the 1960’s.Kids went crazy over the idea that you could buy a stick form of candy in which they could eat a few now and save the rest for later (hence the name) or if they only had a little bit of money a couple friends could go together and buy a bar and share them.

Marathon Bar,made in 1973 by the Mars Company .The Marathon Bar was a full 8 inch chocolate covered caramel candy bar that stood out among it’s candy competitors on the shelf but ,when sales did not meet expectations Mars discontinued the concept in 1981.Not wanting to see this candy disappear Cadbury made their version called the Curly Wurly Bar.

Red Hots,living up to it’s dominant name these tiny bite size candies really pack a powerful cinnamon punch.Created in the 1930’s by The Ferrara Pan Candy Company the concept was simple it was a way to enjoy a small version of hard cinnamon candy and it went over quite well.Many people actually use these candies in baking.

Zotz different from anything else on the candy scene were a hard fruity candy with a fizzy sour center that were available in three flavors cherry,apple and watermelon on a string of four each individually wrapped.This became a kid favorite in the 1970’s and swept across the nation available in many convenience stores.

Craving that blast from the past?There are many places on line to find these Old Candy Favorites, if you can not find them in stores, they available in bulk or smaller versions and delivered right to your home to enjoy with your family.

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