Categories: Movies

Top 5 Vampire Movies

Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Sony Pictures, DVD release date 2007

Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins and Keannu Reaves

I can watch this again and again. Dracula played by Gary Oldman is amazing. The story is Bram Stoker’s original story of Dracula, however the characters are so real and the imaginary is amazing.

Interview With A Vampire: Warner Home Video, 1994

Tom Cruise, Brat Pitt, Kirsten Dunst and Christian Slater

Interview With A Vampire was taken from the original book by Anne Rice. The actors capture the essence of her characters perfectly and the scenes are unbelievable and so sad. Vampire Lestat played by Tom Cruise is as evil and sad as you would expect that a vampire would be after so many years alive on earth. The original book is dark, yet romantic and is portrayed to perfection in the movie.

Vampire In Brooklyn: Paramount, 1995

Eddie Murphy, Angela Bassett and Allen Payne. Director Wes Craven

One of the stranger movies that Eddie Murphy has done, however I love watching this. It is done by Wes Craven and it is a comedy horror movie. However, the comedy is completely separate from the horror. I still found this movie very disturbing at times and as bloody and dark as any other vampire film.

Vampires: Sony Pictures, 1999

James Woods, Daniel Baldwin, Sheryl Lee, Thomas Ian Griffith and Maximilian Schell

James Woods is excellent as a vampire slayer. And the story line is that there are a group of vampires that Woods and his team must destroy. His right hand man, Baldwin does become infected and there are touching moments throughout the film as well as a feeling of the more classic John Wayne films. Woods does lead the film and there are a few funny moments as well that work within the story line.

From Dusk Till Dawn: Walt Disney Video, 1998

Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino and Juliett Lewis

Robert Rodriquez is the director and there is no shortage of blood or action within the film. I love watching this one and it still creeps me out and the whole idea of these people being stuck in a bar, in the desert with vampires and no way out, but to shoot your way out. The makeup is phenomenal and the actors are great.


Karla News

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