Categories: People

Top 5 Reason to Watch ‘Castle’ On ABC

Castle airs on Monday 10/9c

Getting my “Castle” spoilers, facts, and quirky news has become a trend for me. Why? I’ve become addicted to “Castle” in the same way at-home moms are to soap operas. Could it be because Nathan Fillion once made his name by being on the soap opera “One Life to Live?” If you missed the show paying homage to his earlier works, check out “One Life to Lose,” which aired on March 21.

“Castle” reminds us that we are just plain human. Richard Castle is not only as normal as they come, his abnormal. He loves to joke, kid, and enjoy each murder he finds, which brings us to our first reason Castle is able to pull in the viewer’s week after week.

Top 5 Reason to Watch “Castle” On ABC: Nathan Fillion (Richard Castle) is Handsome and Appealing

Don’t you remember the old days where we loved soap operas? Richard Fillion has the power to glue us to our television every week to watch “Castle.” Not only is he handsome, his acting abilities can bring us to laughter week after week. This #1 drama show is worth watching over and over.

Top 5 Reason to Watch “Castle” On ABC: Great Supporting Casts

Over the past season we’ve seen Adrian Pasdar , Piter Marek , and Jane Symour are just another reason why the show ratings continue to soar. Each show we are surprised by great actors and actresses who not only add to the surprise of the show but let’s face it. Drama shows can sometimes get mediocre and almost become the same oh- same oh. The “Castle” producers and writers understand this and continue to spice up the storyline as well as the cast.

Top 5 Reason to Watch “Castle” On ABC: The Storyline is Getting Juicy

If you’ve been following the story, we’ve begun to see a relationship being to blossom between Detective Beckett and Richard Castle. Have they kissed yet? Well no, we can’t have everything. What we are seeing is that Richard Castle has shown her in every way possible that he loves her. In the latest episode, Beckett lets Castle in on a little secret: she used to watch Temptation Lane with her mom. It was one of those intimate scenes that give viewers glued to their seats!

Top 5 Reason to Watch “Castle” On ABC: Drama Equals Ratings

For most shows this would not be true. “Castle” has a way of bringing viewers back week after week by giving viewers surprise, drama, and hits of romance. If you think it isn’t so, watch the latest episode and see how the writers keep us begging for more! The more excitement in the show, the harder it is to actually miss an episode. Not that I would even think of using my little DVR to record the show. No, I will record other mundane shows in order to catch ever second of Richard Castle!

Top 5 Reason to Watch “Castle” On ABC: Nathan Fillion (Richard Castle) is Funny

With “Castle,” you get loads of humor from Richard Castle. He has a quick wit and always has something funny to say. One minute he is cracking a joke, the next minute he is flirting with Beckett. We love the way he can turn a ghastly murder into something funny. He makes viewers smile about death.

Karla News

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