Categories: Movies

Top 5 Humphrey Bogart Movies

Of all the classic film stars, it’s hard to find one that has more fascinating background notes than Humphrey Bogart. You could easily spend an hour reading and re-reading all the fun facts in the “trivia” section of Bogart’s IMDB page.

Bogie earns special marks with me because Casablanca is quite possibly my favorite film of all time. But let me kick off the list before I give anything more away! For those of you who have been following my other lists, the format here will be familiar. For those of you new to my content, feel free to check out my profile to links to all my other rankings of some of the best classic films from the golden age of Hollywood.

#5 – The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Bogie plays one of the greatest characters in film history in this classic. It’s a great detective’s plot twister that’ll keep you guessing until the end. And, as classic film buffs know, there are a few supporting actors that just seem to complete a star’s performance. Paul Lorre was that guy for Bogie, as he seems to pop up in all of Bogie’s best films.

#4 – Key Largo (1948)

The simple plot is the perfect vehicle for some great performances from Bogie, Lionel Barrymore and Edward G. Robinson. In fact, I think Robinson’s semi-neurotic and insecure gangster is one of the best mob boss characters of all time. Throw in the chemistry of then-married Bogie and Bacall, and Key Largo is brilliant from start to finish.

#3 – The Big Sleep (1946)

One of the few times where I can say I like the film more than the book. That’s probably because they did an excellent job staying true to the story, and Bogie and Bacall just bring it to life. Watch for the scene with the bookstore clerk (the actual one), it’s one of my favorites.

#2 – To Have and Have Not (1944)

This is where it all started, the legend of Bogey and Bacall. It’s also the source of one of the greatest classic film lines of all time, “You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and… blow.” Bacall placed a golden whistle in Bogie’s coffin thanks to that line, and it makes that moment in the movie that much more powerful when you watch it.

#1 – Casablanca (1942)

No shocker here. When I was a kid, I was under the impression this movie was for girls to watch with their moms–sort of the original chick flick, so to speak. Man was I wrong. In a lot of ways it’s a the total opposite. Rick Blaine is like the original badass character this movie. Dirty Harry, Riddick, John McClane…those guys owe Bogie a big thanks for paving the way. I’m also a major sucker for great scripts, and this movie is so full of good lines you’ll need to watch it at least a couple times to catch them all. Seriously, if you can only watch one film from any list I make, it’s either Casablanca for pure film greatness, or You Can’t Take It With You for a change-your-life’s-perspective experience.

Obviously with a great actor like Bogart, five picks just isn’t going to cover it. So here are some honorable mentions:

The Treasure of Sierra Madre (a lot of folks consider this one of, if not his best)
Dark Victory
We’re No Angels
The Barefoot Contessa
The African Queen

Also popular are We’re No Angels and The Caine Mutiny, but I haven’t seen them personally (yet!).


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