Categories: Music

Top 10 Songs by KISS

My top 10 songs by KISS are very powerful in sound indeed! A number of these top 10 songs by KISS have been around for more than 30 years. The following top 10 songs by KISS are in no particular order.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 1: Crazy Crazy Nights from the 1987 album Crazy Nights

Anytime a classic rock band sings about the importance rock and roll, I am probably going to love the song! This inspirational song affirms the importance of rock and roll, something that helps many people deal with life. And even if a number of people don’t care for it, that’s their loss!

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 2: Heaven’s On Fire, from the 1984 album Animalize

I guess you could say that this class rock song is the complement to “a cold day in hell. Even though I’m not a pyromaniac, I enjoy listening to songs that discuss burning and fire, such as this energetic and pulsating top 10 songs by KISS selection. If I were the mischievous sort, I’d like to blast this song at a senior center and see if the folks there would chase me out or at least tell me to “Turn that racket down, sonny!”

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 3: Kissin’ Time, from the 1974 album KISS

Popular touring rock and roll bands get plenty of opportunities to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh as this song most certainly alludes to, even naming specific cities in the good ol’ USA where they’ve had their fun. This top 10 songs by KISS selection also makes my top 10 classic rock and pop kissing songs article at Associated Content.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 4: I Was Made For Lovin’ You, from the 1979 album Dynasty

When I first started feeling attracted to girls en masse (junior high), this was a song I thought of a lot, that’s sung with a sense or yearning and urgency by the group. I remember one particular classmate putting his own spin on this tune that scored a Top 15 hit for KISS in 1979. While it was playing, he sang the refrain this way: “I was made for (expletive deleted-guess) you!”

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 5: Shout It Out Loud, from the 1976 album Destroyer

When I feel like screaming my head off, I often think of this Top 40 hit from 1976 and the scintillating guitar play by the band. The title makes up one of my favorite refrains of all time. This is one of the benefits of running, for if I feel like shouting something out loud in the midst of the traffic noise surrounding me, then I do without caring if anyone hears me or not. I can’t sing like KISS can, but I sure as heck know how to shout out loud!

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 6: Hard Luck Woman, from the 1976 album Rock And Roll Over

What I like about this song is that while it’s a classic rock song, it also sounds a bit like its flavored with some good ol’ country sound as my ears take it in. For all the tough sounding rock and roll that KISS has produced, they know how to change the pace when they feel like it, as with this personal top 10 songs by KISS choice.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 7: Do You Love Me, from the 1976 album Destroyer

The person who first turned me on to KISS was an older kid in my neighborhood named Donny. I’ll never forget how he introduced me to this personal top 10 songs by KISS selection before putting the needle on the record. He said that the band was saying via this song to their women that these women love all the trappings that KISS’ fame as rock and rollers has brought, but do they love them, you know, as people? It’s a really fun song to listen to with its powerful beat, and doesn’t take itself too seriously, even though it poses an important question.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 8: Beth, from the 1976 album Destroyer

When I think of the great songs of the 1970’s, this one definitely comes to my mind because it was one of the first songs that really made me feel emotional over something outside of myself. In this case, it was about that poor soul Beth, who was going to have be lonely again at night. This great classic rock ballad also made my top 10 classic rock and pop songs with girl names article here.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 9: Detroit Rock City, from the 1976 album Destroyer

Thank goodness that Detroit has something to be known for besides its terrible 0-16 NFL football team and failing auto industry. KISS is so bombastic and intense in this song, that when I first heard it as a kid, it put the hooks in me and even intimidated me. Detroit Rock City also made my top 10 classic rock and pop songs about cities article here.

Top 10 Songs by KISS Selection Number 10: Lick It Up, from the 1983 album Lick It Up

The absolute power and energy of this personal top 10 songs by KISS selection has always riveted me. I’m not exactly enthralled with the words “Lick It Up” because of the less than ideal pictures those words conjure up in my mind, but again, I overlook that because it’s such a rockin’ song! While Lick It Up didn’t make my top 10 classic rock and pop songs of all time (the article is here), I would say that it’s definitely in my Top 20, for sure!

Chart Information Sources for this article about my top 10 songs by KISS:

Joel Whitburn, The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits, 6th Edition (1996)

Joel Whitburn, Joel Whitburn’s Top Pop Albums: 1955-1996 (1996)

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