Categories: Movies

Top 10 Best Comedy Movies of 2009

When looking back at this year 2009 has gone by so fast, but did you get a chance to check out the best movie comedies that were released. If you did not here is a list of the Top 10 best Comedy Movies of 2009. These are the best movies that were released this year. If you have not seen them yet, you need to. These movies should be at the top of any comedy lovers list.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Date Released: January 16,2009

To kick off the 2009 year Kevin James from the hit Television show plays a single father that is trying to make a living for his daughter. He takes his job as a Mall Cop a little to seriously. In the is movie Paul meets a woman that sells wigs at a stand in the mall, but is to shy at first to approach her. Then during the movie Paul finds himself having to play the hero when a new guy applies to be a Mall Cop and gets the job only to scanning the mall to set up a theft operation.In the end Paul gets the girl in the end and being the hero.This movie will leave you in stitches. This awkward man who is just plan afraid to stand up for himself in the end learns how finally to take control.

I Love You Man
Date Released: March 20,2009

Starring Paul Rudd and Jason Siegel are sure to have you break out in laughter. Paul Rudd plays Peter Klaven a man that is soon to be married, but soon comes to realize that he does not have any male friends to be his best man. He goes on a series of weird man dates to try to find the perfect man to be his man of honor.Then in the movie he meets Sydney fife who is played by Jason Seigel and really hits it off.The closer the Peter and Sydney get the farther Zooey Peters fiancee. This soon leads to Peter having to chose between his new best friend and Zooey. This is just a movie that you will have to see to find out who really gets the man in the end.

17 Again
Date Released: April 17,2009

If there is anyone that is a Zac Efron fan then you have already seen this movie, but if you have not then it has to be on your must see list. This is the kind of movie that you should watch if you like the movie 13 going on 30 that starred Jennifer Garner. This movie is around the same idea except for the opposite. An older Mike O’Donnell finds that the life that he thought that he was going to have was not going quite as expected. He ends up separating from his wife who happens to be his high school sweet heart and ends up living with his friend Ned Freedman.When Mike gets turned down for another promotion he decides to go back to his old high school to try to remember how easy it was when he was back in high school. He tells a janitor their that it was a lot simpler a time when he was 17. When Mike helps the Janitor that he spoke to at the high something strange happens to him. IF you want to know more of what happened well you have to watch the movie, but if you ever have said things were a lot easier back when I was in high school this is a movie that you do not want to miss.

Land Of The Lost
Date Released: June 15,2009

If you were a fan of Land Of The Lost the television series or even a fan of Will Ferrell, This a movie that is sure to get you laughing. Will Ferrell is funny as ever playing Dr. Rick Marshall.Dr. Rick Marshall and two of his associates get pulled back into a time were dinosaurs roamed the earth. Just to see Will Ferrell try to battle through this land without any weapons to protect himself and very few skills along with a lack in the intelligence department is sure to get you laughing.

The Proposal
Date Released: June 19,2009

This movie is sure to make you laugh. Starring Ryan Reynolds from such movies as Waiting, The Amityville Horror and many more plays an assistant that is forced to stage a marriage to his boss played by Sandra Bullock so that is not deported to Canada. These two actors together make the best team in a comedy movie.

Funny People
Date released: July 31,2009

Starring Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Leslie Mann is supposed to be a serious movie that is seriously funny.This is a movie about a famous comedian dealing with a near death experience. If you are a fan of Adam Sandler you have to check out this movie.

Couples Retreat
Date Released:
October 9,2009

This movie stars Vince vaughn. This movies is based on a vacation trip that a few midwestern couples take. It actually was for couples to try and heal their marriages, the couples find that it is not optional for them to participate in the therapy and forced to do so. See just how even couples therapy can be.

Old Dogs
Date Released: November 25,2009

starring John Travolta and Robin Williams that are friends get pushed into watching and taking care of twins. These two men have no idea how to take care of children and see what being a stay at home dad is really about. This movie is a great comedy for you to watch with you and your children.

Year one
Date Released: June 19,2009

This movie starring Jack black and Michael Cera are some lazy hunter-gatherers from that cave man days that are banished from their community and force to go on a journey through this world through Year One.

2009 is almost over and so it is time to get your laugh on. You have to check out this Top 10 comedy Movies of the year. All these movies are sure to have you in tears from laughing so hard.

Karla News

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