Toenail Fungus – Causes and Cures

If you or a loved one suffers from toenail fungus, you will be glad to know that there is something you can do to get rid of it. This article will discuss what causes toenail fungus, some home remedies that have worked for others, and best of all, prevention of toenail fungus.

What is toenail fungus?

The medical name for toenail fungus is onychomycosis. It is a fungus that attacks the toenail by disfiguring or actually killing the nail. There are many types of toenail fungus, so it is important to know what kind you have in order to treat it effectively.

The fungi grow and spread in dark, moist places. Your shoes are the perfect environment for its growth. The most common fungus is called dermatophyte. It feeds on the protein that’s on the surface of the toenail.

One of the major causes of toenail fungus is tight fitting shoes. The second cause is wearing layers of toenail polish. You can also get toenail fungus from public showers and locker rooms or in shared showers and tubs at home from a family member who has the condition because it is contagious. Certain health conditions such as diabetes can cause poor circulation in the toenails. Usually the big toenail and little toenail are infected.

The toenail fungus turns the nail brown or yellow, and makes it very thick. If not treated the toenail will smell and eventually fall off or become so thick that it is painful while wearing shoes.

Chronic toenail fungus will return even if the nail falls off and grows back. It is extremely important that you see your doctor especially if you have diabetes.


There are over-the-counter pills and creams that can be effective in treating toenail fungus. These usually contain chemicals that work in the body to fight the fungus. Be careful to look for ingredients that may harm you or interact with any prescriptions you are already taking.

Then there are the home remedies that people have used for years such as vinegar, Listerine, bleach, and Vicks Vapor Rub. These methods work for some people.

There are also homeopathic remedies such as essential oils that are rubbed into the nail.


Whatever method you use to treat toenail fungus takes a long time to work. It is better to avoid contracting toenail fungus by using the following methods:

Wash your feet every day and dust with foot powder to eliminate sweaty feet.

Buy shoes that are a good fit. Your shoes should not be rubbing any part of your feet.

Change your hosiery every day.

Avoid walking barefoot in public places such as locker rooms, showers, and by the pool.

Trim your toenails often to keep the nails short and clean and to inspect your toes for any fungus.

These precautions will save you the pain and embarrassment of toenail fungus.

Karla News

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