Categories: Beauty

Three Great Home Made Herbal Face Masks

While there are plenty of beauty masks for your face that you can purchase on the market, there is nothing like making your own at home. The obvious benefit of preparing a face mask at home is the use of fresh ingredients and controlling how much is added to the mask base. A trip to your kitchen cupboard and refrigerator is all you need to make these facial masks, which are great for all skin types. Eggs, carrots, and yogurt are all excellent skin cleansers and can be made even better by adding fresh herbs to them. Here are three face masks that will give you a healthy, glowing complexion:

Egg and Peppermint Face Mask

This face mask is much like a regular egg white mask except it also includes fresh peppermint leaves and a dash of tomato juice. You will need:

1 egg white

1 teaspoon fresh peppermint leaves

2 teaspoons of tomato juice

Crack open an egg in a small bowl, emptying out only the white part. Save the yolk for cooking. Beat the egg white slowly, and add in the tomato juice and peppermint leaves. Continue to beat the mixture until it is almost stiff. Since this is best used immediately after making, wash your face before applying the mixture. Spread the face mask all over your face and throat, avoiding the eye area. Don’t worry if the mint leaves look funny on your face as the egg white dries. Leave the egg white mixture on your skin for 15 minutes. Once it dries, peel off and dispose of. Rinse your face with warm water. Use this mask once a week for healthy, glowing skin.

Carrot and Aloe Face Mask

Vitamin A is essential for healthy, glowing skin. There are a few carrot-based face scrubs and masks on the market such as Yes to Carrots, but there is nothing like making your own using fresh carrots and aloe. All you need is your blender and an eager face. To prepare this mask, gather:

1 medium-sized carrot cut up in chunks (green tops should be removed)

1 tablespoon 100% aloe juice

1 tablespoon water

Place the carrot chunks in your blender and add the water. Blend until they are partially chopped up. Turn off the blender, then add the aloe juice. Turn the blender on to puree. When done, pour the mixture into a small bowl. Apply the carrot and aloe mask to clean, dry skin and let dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This mask can be used once a week for as long as needed.

Yogurt and Anise Seed Face Mask

Yogurt is great for any skin type; it will help clear up oily, acne-prone skin, as well as moisturize dry skin. The anise seed, which tastes like licorice, will help oily skin, and the honey soothes and removes impurities from the pores. To make this face mask,

1 cup of yogurt

1 tablespoon anise seed

1 tablespoon honey

Blend the honey directly in the cup of yogurt, followed by the anise seed. If the cup is too small, pour the yogurt into a small bowl and blend the rest of the ingredients. Gently rub the mixture on your clean face and let dry for ten minutes. The yogurt and anise may cause a tingling feeling, but that is nothing to worry about; it is simply doing its job. Once dry, wash off with warm water. A mild astringent may be applied afterwards.



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