Categories: Music

The Top Beatle Albums

The Beatles released thirteen studio albums during their career. From the very first album to their last, their brilliance became more evident with each successive album. There was a few albums that really stood out to show the Beatles progressiveness.

Number five is A Hard Day’s Night. This album is actually a soundtrack to the film of the same name. What makes the album special is that, even though it would be their third album, it would be the first album that was written entirely themselves. The album demonstrated for the first time the range of Lennon and McCartney’s songwriting abilities. Even though most of the album is still in the basic rock and roll style of the time, it does showcase their range as both writers and musicians. It was released at the height of Beatlemania, the album itself does show the energy and excitement of the group.

Number four is simply called The Beatles. It is also known as the White Album. The album was written over two years collectively, and showcased each members songwriting talent. Released in 1968 as a double album and is the groups biggest selling album. Each member demonstrates their talents that will spill over into their future solo careers. The album also showcases each members diversity and styles. While Lennon was able to expand on his lyrics, McCartney was able to show his musical talents. The cover was simple compared to other Beatle albums. The cover was plain white with just the group’s name on it, Thus it was called the White Album.

Number three is Rubber Soul. Released in 1965, the album achieved both commercial and critical success. The album was a drastic change from earlier Beatle albums. Before, the albums and songs were of the simple rock-n-roll sound. With Rubber Soul, the group expanded on their writing abilities. They broadened their unique sound and it would grow into the more sophisticated sound of their later career. Rubber Soul was an achievement for the group because this was the first album where they had complete artistic control. Lyrically, the album showcased their developing styles. They showed more thoughtfulness and intelligence. Rubber Soul would actually set the tone for the next Beatle albums because they began taking longer breaks during tours and were able to broaden the writing more. This album also helped set the stage for a silent competition between the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys used Rubber Soul as inspiration to record Pet Sounds. Which in turn caused the Beatles to release Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Number two would be Revolver. From it’s complex lyrics, mystical sounds, and it’s artistic album cover, Revolver can be considered one of the great masterpieces in rock history. Revolver allowed the group to develop not only their style as a group but also as individuals. George Harrison will emerge as a serious songwriter. Lennon and McCartney would continue to grow as songwriters. McCartney showed more descriptive imagery with his lyrics while Lennon showed his willingness to experiment with his musical ability. McCartney lyrics would help the listener to see what he wrote about while Lennon was using more swirling melodies, laced with guitar solos and riffs. Revolver would also jump the group directly into the psychedelic era. Most of the songs can be traced to the group’s experimenting with drugs, particularly LSD. Of course the group wouldn’t admit that they had used drugs during this time frame for quite some time. It’s hard to say how much of an impact the drugs had on the group’s music during this time because they had been progressing toward Revolver through the years previous to it.

The number one album of the Beatles is the magical Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Often cited as the greatest and most influential album of all time, the album had an immediate impact on music and pop culture in general. The album broke new ground in several ways. From more imaginative lyrics, to more innovative studio techniques, to more complex melodies. After ceasing touring in late 1966, the time off allowed the group not only to rest but to concentrate on their music. They took more time to develop and expand their talents by experimenting with studio techniques and to learn different instruments and sounds They were now able to use their learning knowledge of instruments to create the sound of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. The album would allow psychedelic to fully become a music force, which would be highlighted by the “Summer of Love.” Sgt. Pepper was in contrast to all previous Beatle albums. This was more of a concept album, in which the majority of songs were integrated and arranged in order for a central theme. Also, there was not a single released from the album. Even the cover art for the album was strategically scripted to the album. All the leads to “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band” to being arguably, one of the first concept albums.

While it’s hard to say which album by The Beatle’s was the most important, there are some that are extremely important. Whether it’s furthering their own talents or introducing new techniques, each of the above albums are important.

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