Categories: Opinion and Editorial

“The Slaughter Rule” Slaughters the Constitution

With House Democrats still falling short of the votes to pass Obamacare, the House leadership is contemplating an end run called variously “the Slaughter Rule,” “the Deeming Maneuver,” and “the Self Executing Rule.”

The “Slaughter Rule,” named after the Chair of the House Rules Committee Louise Slaughter, would attach a provision to the rules for the fix to the Senate version of health care reform that would treat the Senate health care reform bill as having already been passed by the House. That means the highly unpopular health care reform bill would suddenly become law, as soon as President Obama could sign it, without actually having been voted on by the members of the House.

Versions of the “Slaughter Rule” have been used to deal with either non controversial items or provisions, like raising the debt limit, that, while necessary, is embarrassing for House members to vote on. It has never been used to pass legislation that would revamp American society as thoroughly as health care reform.

Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey reports on some of the legal controversy surrounding the use of the “Slaughter Rule.” While there is some legal precedence that suggest that the rule could pass Constitutional muster, the Constitution is rather clear about how laws are actually passed. A bill must pass both the House and the Senate to become law. It is virtually certain that if health care reform passes under the “Slaughter Rule” that there will be a legal challenge.

Even more importantly, the “Slaughter Rule” smacks of being too clever by half. Rather than shield House members from the consequences of an open vote on health care reform, the “Slaughter Rule” would only provide a veneer of underhanded politics, which when one adds travesties such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhusker Kickback, reveals a government that is so out of control that it cares not what the people think of its corrupt practices.

Besides, what does Nancy Pelosi and Louise Slaughter think that a vote for the rule that includes the “Slaughter Rule” that would “deem” health care reform as having passed will be seen as anyway? Any vote for that rule will be seen not only as a vote for health care reform, but also a vote to insult the intelligence of the American people.

Revolutions have happened for lesser provocations. Fortunately the American system provides a gentler solution to an out of control government than armed rebellion. The solution is called an election, which will take place in November of this year.

Source: Pence blasts Slaughter Rule on House floor, Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, March 16th, 2010

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