Categories: SPORTS

The Power of the 2006 Yankee Lineup

This Yankee lineup of the 2006 season has gotten a lot of hype and deservedly so. This is the first time ever in Major League Baseball history in which a team has had an all star at every single position, not to mention even some of its bench players are all stars. But hey, that is what a payroll near 200 million dollars will buy you. Let’s take a look and see how this year’s lineup, which is picked by ESPN’s Jason Stark to Win the World Series, compares among all time greatest hitting teams.

The Yankees lineup is just amazing to look out. The thought of having this current lineup that the Yankees will have for the playoffs for an entire season incites thoughts of what could have been a 1,000 run team averaging 7 runs per game during the regular season.

Hitting at the top of the order is Jonny Damon who was signed as a free agent from Boston. This put a dagger in the fans of the Red Sox who didn’t want to pay him a little extra money. Damon is having a season with his highest home run totals of his career not to mention his above .300 average and great speed in stealing bases. Next comes the captain with his .340 average and great defense from the shortstop position. He is a leader in the clubhouse and is clutch in big spots. In the third whole is the newly acquired Bobby Abreu who has been fantastic since his trade from Philadelphia. He fits right into that lineup with his ability to work pitchers deep into the count and consistently get on base. He has some power and a near .400 on base percentage. He has quickly become one of manager Joe Torre’s favorite players. Oh, did I mention he haws a cannon in Right field?

At the cleanup position, the person varies. I think in the lineup Joe will use Garry Sheffield who is still one of the most feared hitters in the game. He has an electric and terrifying swing and hits for average and power. In the fifth spot in Jason Giambi who has power with 30 plus homers this year and has a great eye at the plate and draws over 100 walks each year. In the sixth spot is one of the best players in the game with Alex Rodriguez at third base. A-rod had 30 plus homers and over 100 RBIs with 20 plus steals this past year. Batting seventh is Hideki Matsui who is a solid contact hitter and great hitter in the clutch who constantly gets on base. He also has power as a lefty swinger. Batting eighth is the catcher and another clubhouse leader, Posada. He is having one of his best years with 90 RBIs and 20 homers. Finally, from the number 9 spot, is baseball’s second best hitter for average, Robison Cano with a .342 average. He is a contact hitter and broke up Daniel Cabrera’s no hitter in the bottom of the ninth inning.

This Yankee lineup has no easy outs. If that wasn’t enough for you, they have the veteran outfielder and five time all star, Bernie Williams coming off the bench to hit in a clutch situation. And there is Melky Cabrera to come in a defensive replacement because he has a great arm.

This Yankee lineup I think is the best ever and the only other teams to come near it are the Red hitting Machine with Brooks Robinson and the Yankee Team of Ruth and Gherig.

Karla News

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