Categories: Diseases & Conditions

The Poor Decisions that a Practicing Alcoholic Makes Over and Over Again

The poor decisions that a practicing alcoholic makes over and over again become crystal clear when you sit in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous long enough. Everybody has the same story to tell in one form or another. Basically, alcohol kicked our butt and this is how it happened, with that first drink of alcohol.

Poor Decisions

The poor decisions are nameless and faceless because they apply to so many of us alcoholics in similar situations. With that first drink in front of us, we were off and running into alcohol fueled madness.


The ultimate tragedy is when a death occurs. I have heard stories from people who killed a friend because of drunk driving. These people carry the guilt and shame with them for the rest of their lives. They’re always filled with remorse and I can always hear their heart ache as they try to forgive themselves while trying to go on with their lives.

The Alcoholic

Life is never easy for the alcoholic. Addiction has the ability to follow you everywhere you go and, often affect everything you do.

Our Alcoholic Mind

Whether it’s food, gambling, or merely a mundane activity like watching tv, our alcoholic mind is always at work, plotting to see what it can get out of something. The selfishness of our alcoholic mind wants to get as much pleasure out of activities as it possibly can. Our alcoholic mind is always at battle with our conscious mind because it wants control. Our alcoholic mind always wants to be in the driver’s seat. To our alcoholic mind, it’s my way or the highway; that’s just the way it is.

A Practicing Alcoholic

The poor decisions that a practicing alcoholic makes over and over again are often things that normal people can plainly see. The alcoholic, is like the hamster running on the wheel of life, doing the same thing over and over again, getting absolutely nowhere.

Addicted To Insanity

The normal person would get off the wheel and try something else, but not the alcoholic, because we alcoholics are addicted to insanity; the thing that makes sense to us, is to get back on the wheel and keep on running. That elusive result is out there somewhere and, we will give our last dying breath to get it.

Self Pleasure

The alcoholic is chasing a dream of self-pleasure. The alcoholic mind thinks, the more alcohol I drink; the drunker I’ll get and the more pleasure I’ll have. This is what an alcoholic calls heaven.

Selfishness Of Alcoholism

To the alcoholic, getting drunk and staying drunk is the only thing in life that matters. Everything else, takes a back seat to self-pleasure. The selfishness of alcoholism is obvious to everybody except the alcoholic; who is stuck in the grip of their addiction.


The writer in me wants to know why I keep writing articles about alcoholism, but the alcoholic in me wants to know why I go to an AA meeting every day. This gives my conscious mind the perfect justification to continue writing articles about alcoholism. So, if you don’t like it, you can kiss my rosy red butt. How’s that for an attitude problem? And, oh yeah, I left out one part. I’m an alcoholic too. This is my insanity!


Karla News

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